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Feed items 1 - 3 of 3 for March 2004

I See You - March 15, 2004

Came across this article it's about a new concrete that actually transmits light. It's not like a window, it's much simpler than that. It has parallel glass fibers that run from one side to the other to transmit light, simple...

1 MEEELLION Dollars - March 10, 2004

Ran across this http:www.cnn.com2004USSouth0309million.dollar.bill.apindex.html story of profound stupidity. It involves a stupid woman at Wal-Mart of all places trying to pass off a million dollar bill. Almost as amazing as the the million dollar bill is that she had over...

Not Bush for President - March 4, 2004

It's about time, I was beginning to worry that Edwards would keep dragging out his bid for the nomination when it was obvious to everyone since before Wisconsin that Kerry had the nomination sewed up. Despite the fact that Kerry...
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