Azle NewsLocal news for Azle, TX continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Police in Tarrant County plan "no-refusal" DWI campaign- July 7, 2008 Police officers around Tarrant County are planning be out in force this weekend on the lookout for drunken drivers and they won't be taking "no" for an answer. Flags and fate- July 5, 2008 It has already been a memorable July 4th for ex-Marine Ray Sessums. Sessums, an Azle resident, recently ended a 63-year-quest to discover the history behind a Japanese flag he captured on Peleliu. Azle FFA shines at show- July 4, 2008 Several Azle FFA students came home with top honors - including a Grand Champion - during the Parker County Youth Livestock Show held in Weatherford June 16-21. The brother team of Zack and Kleg Smith led the ... Remembering Seth- July 2, 2008 The temperatures in North Texas dipped into the low 70's last Sunday to make for a very comfortable first annual 2010 United "Azle Appreciation Day." More than 150 people attended the celebration to honor the ... |