Stuart NewsLocal news for Stuart, FL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Safe Boating Courses July 19- July 11, 2008 Coast Guard Auxiliary Stuart announces a 6 HOUR, one day, Boating Safety Course on Saturday, July 19, at it's Operation Center in Sand Sprit Park on St Lucie Blvd, Stuart. Fishing: Cast for cash in 3 Martin County events- July 11, 2008 In Stuart, supporters of Martin County's artificial reef program will fish for fun and profit. Joseph Jerkovich devoted husband and dad- July 10, 2008 JENSEN BEACH, Fla. - Joseph Jerkovich, 96, died Monday at Treasure Coast Hospice in Stuart, Fla. Treasure Coast Fishing Report: July 10- July 10, 2008 Capt. Mike Barkley of the Fishermen's Den in Sebastian said the inshore bite has been picking up. Stuart man gets 18 months for cutting man with beer bottle- July 8, 2008 The 22-year-old Stuart man who left his hat and shoes behind at the scene of a fight where he cut another man with a beer bottle will spend the next 18 months in prison, a judge ruled this afternoon. Stuart plans to pare some items to allow new projects- July 8, 2008 The city expects to take in about $800,000 less in property taxes next budget year, but residents still can expect to see some new sidewalks and resurfaced streets, City Manager Dan Hudson said Monday. Truck smashes into Stuart gas station, thieves take ATM- July 7, 2008 Thieves in a white pickup truck smashed out the front door of a Shell gas station early Monday before using a rope to rip out an ATM bolted to the floor, police said. Local business people to watch- July 6, 2008 Pierre Rodriguez has been named manager of the two Palm Beach Commerce Bank stores at 165 Bradley Place and 380 S. County Road. New hotels caters to wet set- July 4, 2008 On the floor of the Atlantic Ocean, 150 to 180 feet below the waves, four steel structures now sit with "vacancy" signs calling in weary passing travelers. Stuart woman accused of defrauding doctor's office- July 3, 2008 A 50-year-old former office manager for a doctor's office is facing charges that she opened up credit cards in the name of the practice and individual doctors in a scheme to defraud them out of more than ... |