Switchblogposting Mac news that matterLatest site update (2)- November 17, 2005 Thanks to Kevin Story's great job in converting Kubrick for movabletype, Switchblog has a new look (again). The old look has expanded and has become scarily cluttered (like a Windows site). Changing the overall look of the site is quite a challenge (along the way, I think I've corrupted my comments database). Hopefully by next week, I'll have it back up and running.http://www.suplido.com/joel/archives/2005_11.html#001302 Check video dimensions- November 17, 2005 Podsize is a web application that let's you check whether or not your video's dimensions are compatible with the iPod (with video).http://www.suplido.com/joel/archives/2005_11.html#001298 Filter spam- November 17, 2005 Michael Tsai has released SpamSieve 2.4, an update to his Bayesian spam filtering utility for popular email clients such as Apple Mail, Mailsmith, Entourage, PowerMail, and Eudora.http://www.suplido.com/joel/archives/2005_11.html#001297 Watch video on an iPod nano- November 16, 2005 The iPod Linux Video Player now plays AVI files in an iPod nano.http://www.suplido.com/joel/archives/2005_11.html#001296 Replace an iBook hard drive- November 16, 2005 sterpin.net is probably the best place to read a tutorial on how to upgrade an iBook, by yourself.http://www.suplido.com/joel/archives/2005_11.html#001295 |