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Feed items 11 - 15 of 15 for November 2005


posting Mac news that matter

Latest site update (2) - November 17, 2005

Thanks to Kevin Story's great job in converting Kubrick for movabletype, Switchblog has a new look (again). The old look has expanded and has become scarily cluttered (like a Windows site). Changing the overall look of the site is quite a challenge (along the way, I think I've corrupted my comments database). Hopefully by next week, I'll have it back up and running.

Check video dimensions - November 17, 2005

Podsize is a web application that let's you check whether or not your video's dimensions are compatible with the iPod (with video).

Filter spam - November 17, 2005

Michael Tsai has released SpamSieve 2.4, an update to his Bayesian spam filtering utility for popular email clients such as Apple Mail, Mailsmith, Entourage, PowerMail, and Eudora.

Watch video on an iPod nano - November 16, 2005

The iPod Linux Video Player now plays AVI files in an iPod nano.

Replace an iBook hard drive - November 16, 2005 is probably the best place to read a tutorial on how to upgrade an iBook, by yourself.
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- November (15 items)
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