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Obama to speak at Berlin's victory statue - (Found July 19, 2008 )

Presumptive Democratic U.S. presidential candidate Barack Obama is to speak at the Victory Column in Berlin next week, not the Brandenburg Gate.

Talking gaining favor for Mideast issues - (Found July 19, 2008 )

Negotiating with enemies instead of shunning them may be signaling the United States, Israel and European allies are changing Mideast tactics, analysts said.

UPI NewsTrack TopNews July 18, 2008 - (Found July 19, 2008 )

UPI NewsTrack TopNews July 18, 2008

Top prosecutor looks at Sudanese rebels - (Found July 19, 2008 )

The International Criminal Court's top prosecutor says he is investigating alleged war crimes by rebel groups in addition to Sudan's top government officials.

Cubans using Mexico as route to U.S. - (Found July 19, 2008 )

Tightened Florida coastal security on smuggling illegal aliens has led to an increase in Cubans using Mexico as a route to the United States, say authorities.

Number of Iran-linked bombs in Iraq lower - (Found July 19, 2008 )

The number of detonated and unexploded roadside bombs in Iraq the U.S. government has linked to Iran dropped during the last quarter, the U.S. military said.

Poll: U.S. loses enthusiasm for Afghan war - (Found July 19, 2008 )

U.S. voters are less enthused about the war in Afghanistan, a poll released Friday indicated.

UPI NewsTrack TopNews July 18, 2008 - (Found July 19, 2008 )

UPI NewsTrack TopNews July 18, 2008

Iran cautious on U.S. diplomatic overtures - (Found July 19, 2008 )

Iran's foreign minister says his government is still weighing a U.S. proposal to establish a diplomatic mission in Tehran.

Israeli minister defends Iran hawkishness - (Found July 19, 2008 )

Israeli's transportation minister isn't backing down from hawkish words about attacking Iran that some observers have blamed for a worldwide rise in gas prices.
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