Number of Microsoft Certified Professionals Worldwide- June 8, 2008 Microsoft Learning publishes a very interesting web page that displays the number of MCPs in the world. You can find this at: Perusing it recently, I was amazed to discover a new certification: an MCITP inUnited States History Major. Fortunately, Trika revealed all in her post: http:blogs.msdn.comtrikaarchive20080530what-the-hell.aspx. Turns out to be a bit of rather unprofessional bit of sophomoric humour. I guess it must be nice to have the.. Windows Live Writer Technical Preview Available for Download- June 4, 2008 Those nice folks from the Live Writer team have released a technical preview (i.e. a beta) which you can now download. This new build has a bunch of new features, as described on the Writer Zone blog. I'm downloading this now! Technorati tags: writer, live writer, microsoft |