Wells NewsLocal news for Wells, TX continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Woman arrested after allegedly firing shotgun into man's truck - June 12, 2008By Lacie Morrison lmorrisonmineralwellsindex.com Leveling a firearm at someone or their property can have serious ramifications with law enforcement.http://www.topix.net/city/wells-tx/2008/06/woman-arrested-after-allegedly-firing-shotgun-i... Hull retiring after 21 years in the classroom - June 10, 2008By Lacie Morrison lmorrisonmineralwellsindex.com Countless students have turned pages in her classroom, but now English teacher Sylvia Hull is turning a new page in her own life as she retires from 21 years in ...http://www.topix.net/city/wells-tx/2008/06/hull-retiring-after-21-years-in-the-classroom?f... Whatever happened to the May fete - June 8, 2008Whatever happened to the May fete When I grew up in the 1940's my elementary school always held a very festive May Fest on the school campus.http://www.topix.net/city/wells-tx/2008/06/whatever-happened-to-the-may-fete?fromrss=1 Sherman Police Department's Daily Bulletins for 64 thru - June 6, 2008Local Crime Blotters Sherman Police Department's Daily Bulletins for 64 thru 652008 Updated: 080002867 Schmitt, Minnie VICTIM of Theft Prop>=$50 , at 37XX Loy Lake Rd, Sherman, TX, between 00:00, 05142008 ...http://www.topix.net/city/wells-tx/2008/06/sherman-police-departments-daily-bulletins-for-... Wanted: Ward 2 resident to fill open council seat - June 4, 2008By Lacie Morrison lmorrisonmineralwellsindex.com History is repeating itself once more as the Mineral Wells City Council seeks to fill a vacant seat after its former occupant became the city's newest mayor.http://www.topix.net/city/wells-tx/2008/06/wanted-ward-2-resident-to-fill-open-council-sea... Drillers File for Multiple Harrison County Wells, June 1 - June 2, 2008The Mercer Well No. 3 will be drilled 12 miles southeast of Marshall in the Carthage, North Field by GMX Resources to 1,800 feet in the Smith, Wm.http://www.topix.net/city/wells-tx/2008/06/drillers-file-for-multiple-harrison-county-well... |