Logan Aube's Hockey Night theme- July 18, 2008 Something Awful goons tweak an online contest with funny results viahttp://torontoist.com/2008/07/logan_aubes_hockey_night_theme.php Sean Tevis is running for Kansas State Representative, XKCD-style- July 16, 2008 help a computer geek defeat the incumbent, a hard-right, anti-privacy Creationist; he's trying to get 3,000 to donate $9 eachhttp://seantevis.com/kansas/3000/running-for-office-xkcd-style/ How to Fake Being a Wine Snob- July 16, 2008 there might be supertasters out there, but most people are just faking ithttp://theferrett.livejournal.com/1060599.html The Economist responds to Freakonomics co-author's pastypastry mixup- July 16, 2008 tasty response to this original post viahttp://freakonomics.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/07/15/pasties-pasties-everywhere/ Mike Arrington interviews Evan Williams at Foo Camp- July 16, 2008 great interview; thoughtful questions and brimming with information, without the sensationalismhttp://www.techcrunch.com/2008/07/15/interview-with-evan-william-summize-acquisition-api-i... Rick Trooper- July 16, 2008 The Empire rolls you.http://www.dannychoo.com/adp/eng/1526/Rick+Trooper.html Mocha VNC Lite, free VNC client for the iPhone- July 16, 2008 link opens in iTunes; like others, I'm hoping an SSH client is nexthttp://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=284984448&mt=8 Annalee Newitz on Dr. Horrible's Sing Along Blog- July 16, 2008 exceeds the hype; the site's been down all day, so I just bought the season in iTunes for $3.99http://io9.com/5025569/dr-horribles-freeze-ray-will-stop-the-world The Sound of Young America Live interviews Ze Frank- July 16, 2008 strange interview, but talks about the end of The Show and current projects; see also: Jay Smooth from Ill Doctrine viahttp://www.vimeo.com/1341185 Defender of the favicon- July 15, 2008 staggering hack puts a playable Defender clone in your browser's 16x16 favicon; Firefox and Opera onlyhttp://www.p01.org/releases/DHTML_contests/files/DEFENDER_of_the_favicon/ |