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Feed items 1 - 4 of 4 for March 2004

Qu no sufra ms Madrd - March 11, 2004

Wes' condolences for the 190-some dead in Madrid, at La Atocha, El Pozo and Santa Eugenia. Te queremos, Madrid! Que no sufra mas!

Marriage is only as sacred as wearing polyester - March 5, 2004

12 Reasons Why Gay Marriage Is Wrong, Like Eating Lobster or Shaving Your Beard With a Razor (Quick update: I forgot to mention I got this from elsewhere. Thank you, Chris Darin) Homosexuality is not natural, much like eyeglasses, polyester,...

The "headless iMac" rides again; life, interrupted by rain and sunshine - March 1, 2004

Wes has March's edition of Bloggable available. It's worth the read, but the highlights are in the column. Also, a beautiful sunny day in Chicago.

When it's a bright, warm day in... February - March 1, 2004

Today it was in the low &8216;50s here in Chicago. In February. I don&8217;t understand what causes such abominations, but whatever it is needs to pack its bags and go home and come back in April when I actually have...
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