Ted Ritzer: Free Musicmy attempt at finding free music via the Internet(Untitled)- December 17, 2003 New Lisa Rein song online. Lisa Rein has begun to post the recordings from her musical showcase. Her first track, "In the Spirit," is up now. It's her first anti-war song. Link Boing Boing Bloghttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/freeMusic/2003/12/17.html#a3634 (Untitled)- December 16, 2003 Cultured Perl: Fun with MP3 and Perl, Part 1. Ted writes "Every self-respecting computer and music fan needs to be able to manipulate MP3s -- the defacto standard for recreational digital music use. In ... Slashdothttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/freeMusic/2003/12/16.html#a3609 (Untitled)- December 16, 2003 Apple blasÈ about online music rivals (USATODAY.com). USATODAY.com - Who's afraid of retail giant Wal-Mart Not Apple Computer (AAPL) CEO Steve Jobs. Yahoo! News - Technologyhttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/freeMusic/2003/12/16.html#a3602 (Untitled)- December 16, 2003 New Online Music Service For Australia. arb writes "Destra Music is the first online music retailer to open its doors in Australia. Currently their catalogue offers over 100,000 tracks priced from ... Slashdothttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/freeMusic/2003/12/16.html#a3600 (Untitled)- December 16, 2003 Napster vs. iTunes. Russell Beattie compares iTunes to Napster.Robert Scoble: Scobleizer Webloghttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/freeMusic/2003/12/16.html#a3599 (Untitled)- December 16, 2003 Loudeye, Microsoft Offer Online Music Store Set-Up (Reuters). Reuters - Digital media firm Loudeye Corp. and Microsoft Corp on Monday said they will jointly offer businesses a fast and relatively cheap way to jump into the digital music game. Yahoo! News - Technologyhttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/freeMusic/2003/12/15.html#a3570 (Untitled)- December 16, 2003 MP3s hit with levy by board The Edmonton Sunhttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/freeMusic/2003/12/15.html#a3569 (Untitled)- December 16, 2003 iTunes Tops 25 Million Downloads; BuyMusic Falls Short andPOPhttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/freeMusic/2003/12/15.html#a3568 (Untitled)- December 13, 2003 Rocking xmas tune. While browsing through hours of free music (with an intent to buy) at Magnatune, I came across the electro sitar stylings of Anup. He's got that whole "sitars over beats" thing down that all the club kids are nuts for... Meerkat: An Open Wire Servicehttp://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/freeMusic/2003/12/13.html#a3547 (Untitled)- December 13, 2003 We Need a Test Case Soon. Free music at LegalTorrents "LegalTorrents is a new site offering 5Gb of electronic music from a variety of labels, all licensed under Creative Commons. What makes this site unique is the large downloads are shared among everyone downloading, thanks to the P2P technology of BitTorrent. Once you download a client and load up a music torrent file, you'll be downloading the file from everyone that has downloaded the file, and as you gather data others will be...http://blogs.salon.com/0001455/categories/freeMusic/2003/12/13.html#a3542 |