TBMM-Milletvekilleri at Yahoo! GroupsTBMM-MilletvekilleriON THE DETENTION OF RADOVAN KARADZIC -STATEMENT BY THE NATO SECRETAR- July 22, 2008 PRCP (2008)095 22 July 2008 STATEMENT BY THE NATO SECRETARY GENERAL ON THE DETENTION OF RADOVAN KARADZIC I welcome the news of Radovan Karadzic'shttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/TBMM-Milletvekilleri/message/8315 DSP-SLEYMAN YAIZ-KATP AHVALM AH'A BYLE YAZ NERGES- July 22, 2008 TRKYE BYK MLLET MECLS BAKANLIINA Aadaki sorularmn, Devlet Bakan Sayn Prof. Dr. Mehmet Aydn tarafndan yazlhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/TBMM-Milletvekilleri/message/8314 Iranian: "I just fell in love with the music and the poetry, and I t- July 22, 2008 21 July 2008 U.S. Musicians Put Their Own Twist on Popular Persian Songs American band NoorSaaz delights audiences in Washington area image: NoorSaaz membershttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/TBMM-Milletvekilleri/message/8313 Interview of Secretary Rice by CNNs Wolf Blitzer-Iran, Iraq, Afgh- July 22, 2008 21 July 2008 Interview of Secretary Rice by CNN's Wolf Blitzer Discussed a range of topics, including Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan (begin transcript) U.S.http://groups.yahoo.com/group/TBMM-Milletvekilleri/message/8312 Independent News Media Important for Democracy Worldwide- July 22, 2008 21 July 2008 Independent News Media Important for Democracy Worldwide State Department official outlines U.S. support for media assistance image: Anhttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/TBMM-Milletvekilleri/message/8311 |