Spring Hill NewsLocal news for Spring Hill, MN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Viola, Clarence Bertram, 60 years, Spring Hill- June 23, 2008 Clarence and Viola Bertram of Spring Hill celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary June 14 with a Mass at St.http://www.topix.net/city/spring-hill-mn/2008/06/viola-clarence-bertram-60-years-spring-hi... Jill Schoenberg, Cory Yarke- June 11, 2008 Jim and Darlene Schoenberg of Spring Hill announce the engagement of their daughter, Jill, to Cory Yarke, son of Gordy and Jean Yarke of Sauk Centre.http://www.topix.net/city/spring-hill-mn/2008/06/jill-schoenberg-cory-yarke?fromrss=1 Area 3 up for Farm Service Agency election- June 2, 2008 The Farm Service Agency is looking for candidates for its farmer-elected Area 3 County Committee election this fall.http://www.topix.net/city/spring-hill-mn/2008/06/area-3-up-for-farm-service-agency-electio... |