The RBCEveryone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.The Upcoming Pardon Wave: Bring on the Disbarments!- July 22, 2008 To the surprise of exactly no one, in light of the torture scandal, the warrantless wiretapping scandal, the US Attorneys scandal, the Valerie Plame scandal, and the (fill in blank) scandal, conservative lawyers are pushing the Bush Administration for dozens of pardons for administration officials. Some of us, of course, predicted this months and even years ago (well, okay--a year... Journalists and the Obama Plane: Access or Ego- July 22, 2008 It's on. My colleague Jonathan Zasloff has created quite a dust-up by suggesting that the elite press corps has (gasp!) an elitist sense of self-importance. Was Ryan Lizza excluded from the Obama plane because he wrote an unflattering piece about the Democratic candidate in the New Yorker Who knows. Who cares. Jonathan is dead on: who gets on the plane... The arrest of Radovan Karadzic- July 22, 2008 Karadzic down, more war criminals to go. Note to John McCain- July 22, 2008 When you talked about the border between Iraq and Afghanistan, that was a mistake. When you talked about Barack Obama's announcement that he would attack Pakistan, that was a lie. Change We Have Been Waiting For: Ryan Lizza Edition- July 21, 2008 So--let me get this straight. Ryan Lizza writes, if not a hatchet job, a distinctly unflattering piece on Obama in the New Yorker. The next week, Lizza &8212 along with the majority of other reporters &8212 does not get a seat on Obama's plane during his Middle East tour. And suddenly every reporter and his brother-in-law are shocked &8212 shocked... Batman and Morality in an Era of Terror- July 21, 2008 Its not like the world needs one more comment on The Dark Knight, buthere goes. Note--this post is full of spoilers. Read at your own risk. Fundamentally, this is a movie about terrorism, but terrorism stripped of all of its ideological attachments and reduced simply down to its method, which is to use shock and fear to induce collective demoralization.... French headscarves again- July 21, 2008 France denies citizenship to a veiled Muslim woman. Is McCain surrounded ENTIRELY by crooks- July 21, 2008 Lindsay Beyersteinn explodes a ton of dynamite under the McCain campaign: Randy Scheunemann, McCain's foreign policy adviser, was involved in an influence-peddling scheme aimed at oil-rich Central Asian tyrannies, and involving the guy who just got caught selling access to officials for donations to the Bush library. "He comes by his economic ignorance honestly"- July 21, 2008 Frank Rich unloads on John McCain: "The term flip-flopping doesnt do justice to Mr. McCains self-contradictory economic pronouncements because that implies theres some rational, if hypocritical, logic at work. What he serves up instead is plain old incoherence, as if he were compulsively consulting one of those old Magic 8 Balls." Correction, or retraction- July 20, 2008 Who wrote that press release What are the supposed "mistranslations" And why aren't reporters asking these questions |