Wade Hampton NewsLocal news for Wade Hampton, SC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.More prices- July 18, 2008 Your browser's security settings are preventing some features from appearing. See instructions for fixing the problem.http://www.topix.net/city/wade-hampton-sc/2008/07/more-prices?fromrss=1 Jim Howard opened his Backyard Barber Shop in 1991. George Gardner Staff- July 16, 2008 Most days, Jim Howard actually likes the commute from home to work. He steps out the back door, takes about four steps across a paved back patio, and about five more to the door of the room he added to his ...http://www.topix.net/city/wade-hampton-sc/2008/07/jim-howard-opened-his-backyard-barber-sh... That was then...- July 15, 2008 A developer broke ground on a 17-story office tower at Main Street and Gervais Street last month, but for longtime residents, that corner always will be remembered for an earlier building - the Wade Hampton ...http://www.topix.net/city/wade-hampton-sc/2008/07/that-was-then?fromrss=1 Michael Graham Platts- July 13, 2008 Michael Graham Platts, 26, died July 8, 2008. Michael was also known by his many friends as Big Country.http://www.topix.net/city/wade-hampton-sc/2008/07/michael-graham-platts?fromrss=1 Charles Lanneau was a risk-taking adventurer- July 11, 2008 In a faded daguerreotype, Charles Henry Lanneau leans casually against a draped table.http://www.topix.net/city/wade-hampton-sc/2008/07/charles-lanneau-was-a-risk-taking-advent... Wade Hampton- July 9, 2008 Few Southern elites gave more to the Confederate cause or suffered more in its defeat than General Wade Hampton III of South Carolina .http://www.topix.net/city/wade-hampton-sc/2008/07/wade-hampton?fromrss=1 Residents fight to save apartments from fire- July 7, 2008 Jonathan Blalock says he was watching television today when a neighbor burst into his Taylors apartment with some dreadful news.http://www.topix.net/city/wade-hampton-sc/2008/07/residents-fight-to-save-apartments-from-... Education prepares us to get most out of life- July 6, 2008 Transformation of one's life is a process. It is change for the better. I have experienced the transforming power of education, and I want all to experience the changes that come from education.http://www.topix.net/city/wade-hampton-sc/2008/07/education-prepares-us-to-get-most-out-of... Fresh Grind- July 4, 2008 Rosemary Silver doesn't charge for the aroma when you walk through the door of her Wade Hampton coffee shop, Fresh Grind.http://www.topix.net/city/wade-hampton-sc/2008/07/fresh-grind?fromrss=1 Valerie Rebellato followed her heart around the world- July 2, 2008 A sense of adventure defines everything Valerie Rebellato does. The crest that adorns the outside of her Wade Hampton restaurant, the Cafe Paulista Grille, reads "Non Ducor, Duco," translating to "I am not ...http://www.topix.net/city/wade-hampton-sc/2008/07/valerie-rebellato-followed-her-heart-aro... |