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Feed items 11 - 13 of 13 for April 2006

The ArcterJournal

Rants and Musings Since 1996

A House Cleaning Day - April 3, 2006

Wish I had taken before and after pics, because I'm quite proud. After we got back from the (very fun btw, thanks Jason!) LAN party yesterday I figured that since we were having my folks over for dinner tonight, and we had 2 less computers and monitors in the office anyway, why not do the whole thing. So over the course of the day I scrubbed, dusted, re-arranged, garbaged, and mopped the office. Man there's a lot of stuff here and man is it dusty. End result though, is there is at least 24..

The OLD Server - April 3, 2006

One of the things I was petrefied of with the old UFies server was rebooting. The long delay as the scsi started up, various BIOS screens popped up and asked for attention, what if the updates I'd done over the last 2 years since the last time the box was rebooted had some unintended effect that wasn't noticable until the new kernel was in. It wasn't so much that I was worried that it wasn't fixable, I've been doing this stuff for long enough that anything is fixable, it was the fact that the.

LAN Party Upcoming! - April 1, 2006

Fun happy time I'm invited to a LAN tomorrow. Man, it's been ages since I've been able to go to one, and I'm really looking forward to it. Course, I have no idea if the q3codetc installs actually work anymore, or heck, if I still even have them installed... probably a good thing to check eh By the way, just for fun, here's a shot of the new UFies server.
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