I hate mysteries.- December 11, 2006 Carusobot.http://unbillablehours.typepad.com/unbillablehours/2006/12/i_hate_mysterie.html Picture Envy for December 11, 2006- December 11, 2006 Link: Shuttle Launch Seen From ISS.http://unbillablehours.typepad.com/unbillablehours/2006/12/picture_envy_fo.html I is for Interview- December 5, 2006 Pixies icon Frank Black chats with literary legend Ray Bradbury.http://unbillablehours.typepad.com/unbillablehours/2006/12/i_is_for_interv.html Proof of the divine- December 2, 2006 J.S. Bach, Air from Suite No. 3, BWV 1068. 'It is as though eternal harmony were conversing with itself, as it may have happened in God's bosom shortly before He created the world.' Johann Wolfgang von Goethe on Bach or,...http://unbillablehours.typepad.com/unbillablehours/2006/12/proof_of_the_di.html Jean Cocteau: The actual tragedies of life...- December 1, 2006 Jean Cocteau: The actual tragedies of life... The actual tragedies of life bear no relation to one's preconceived ideas. In the event, one is always bewildered by their simplicity, their grandeur of design, and by that element of the bizzare...http://unbillablehours.typepad.com/unbillablehours/2006/11/jean_cocteau_th.html Picture Envy for November 30, 2006- December 1, 2006 in Saint Jean de Luz Originally uploaded by Paula Anddrade. in Saint Jean de Luzhttp://unbillablehours.typepad.com/unbillablehours/2006/11/picture_envy_fo.html |