Wanchese NewsLocal news for Wanchese, NC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Special Weather Statement- June 29, 2008 The strong thunderstorms will be near Buffalo City at 550 PM EDT... Manns Harbor at 615 PM EDT... Manteo at 630 PM EDT... Wanchese at 635 PM EDT.http://www.topix.net/city/wanchese-nc/2008/06/special-weather-statement?fromrss=1 Deal shaping up on allowing bigger trucks on N.C. roads- June 27, 2008 The Highway Patrol has dropped its objections to allowing longer trucks on North Carolina roads, after lawmakers agreed to leave it to state officials to restrict certain routes.http://www.topix.net/city/wanchese-nc/2008/06/deal-shaping-up-on-allowing-bigger-trucks-on... Boat bill sponsor is marina owner- June 25, 2008 State Sen. Clark Jenkins, the primary sponsor of a bill that would allow wider boats and longer, heavier trucks on North Carolina highways, is an owner of a marina near Nags Head that claims on its Web site to ...http://www.topix.net/city/wanchese-nc/2008/06/boat-bill-sponsor-is-marina-owner?fromrss=1 N.C. fishing industry feels strain from reduced harvests- June 8, 2008 For the fifth year, North Carolina's harvest of fin fish and shellfish fell, a decline that commercial fishermen blame on tightened regulations, higher fuel prices and an increase in imported seafood.http://www.topix.net/city/wanchese-nc/2008/06/n-c-fishing-industry-feels-strain-from-reduc... |