Wadmalaw Island NewsLocal news for Wadmalaw Island, SC continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Sea Islands YouthBuild home at last- May 3, 2008 "We're just happy we have a place to live now that's suitable" Larry Blasch, chairman of the board for Sea Islands YouthBuild Charter School, takes a look as teachers instruct students in how to build a wall in their new location in North Charleston. via Post and Courierhttp://www.topix.net/city/wadmalaw-island-sc/2008/05/sea-islands-youthbuild-home-at-last?f... Fresh from the Farm to Your Fridge- May 2, 2008 "It's probably a third of what you would spend on this amount of vegetables at the grocery store. It's very reasonable and economical" A new way of buying local, fresh produce is catching on in the Lowcountry through a program called Community Supported Agriculture . via WCIVhttp://www.topix.net/city/wadmalaw-island-sc/2008/05/fresh-from-the-farm-to-your-fridge?fr... |