Windows Server 2008 is called SP1. Adventures in doing things right- February 15, 2008 I had a bunch of people internally ask me why Windows Server shows it's version as Windows Server 2008 SP1 (for brevity - WS08).&160; I will explain it, but I wanted to use the Writer feature that allows me to insert pictures.&160; Who says anything beyond notepad is a waste of time.&160; Actually, that's me usually... The history here goes back to problems we had form the split we had when we broke Windows XP from Windows Server 2003 (WS03) way back in 2000.&160; At the time we had... Whoo! Windows Server 2008 is released- February 4, 2008 There will be a bunch of news & posts around this today. We came in super early & the finals sign offs for the release off this morning. Steve Ballmer gave a talk to the financial communities Today is a fun day for us - not one that comes along every day. For me, I've done a load of releases but this is one of the few I've done where I wrote the original 'vision' document & actually follwed all the way through to release. Congratulations... |