Sydney News latest RSS headlines - Sydney Sun.comProvides the latest RSS feeds for Sydney News. For more headlines on Breaking, National, Business, Finance, Sports and World News, visit our home pagePayne experiences life in big league- July 22, 2008 23 July 2008 HE&039;S still in high school and can only train with the club twice a week at present but Chris Payne has declared he&039;s ready to step up and be Sydney FC&039;s leading str... Council sets 2010 carbon neutral date- July 22, 2008 23 July 2008 MANLY Council has committed to becoming carbon neutral by 2010 to lessen the impact of climate change on our coastline.Following City of Sydney&039;s lead, in two years... A worthy whale of a prize- July 22, 2008 23 July 2008 WHEN Colin Bright penned The Last Whale he had no idea his work would one day win Best Composition by an Australian Composer at the Australian Classical Music Award... P-plate car chase, four vehicles hit- July 22, 2008 23 July 2008 NORTHERN Beaches Highway Patrol officers were forced into a police chase with a P-plater which ended with four cars including three parked vehicles damaged.A Freshw... Darley Rd grass fires- July 22, 2008 23 July 2008 FIRE trucks from Manly, Dee Why and Mosman were called to three separate grass fires at Darley Rd, Manly, yesterday afternoon.Mosman Firefighter Jye Macintosh said ... MP Firth ambushed by a giant penguin- July 22, 2008 23 July 2008 GOING nose to beak with a giant penguin is all in a day&039;s work for Environment Minister Verity Firth.A giant penguin and other protesters greeted Environment Minist... Hero mum saves baby- July 22, 2008 23 July 2008 AN heroic mother who revived her toddler when he fell off his bunk bed in a horrifying accident at their Dee Why home almost certainly saved his life.A Belrose para... 84-year-old crashes car into school- July 22, 2008 AN out of control car narrowly avoided crashing into a kindergarten classroom when it ploughed into the front of a northern beaches school yesterday.In a chilling reminder of the Roundhouse tragedy in... The school where it rains in classrooms- July 22, 2008 TEACHERS have been forced to carry umbrellas inside a public high school and wade through ankle-deep floodwaters to get to classes. In yet another indictment of the school maintenance backlog in New... Need a taxi Just dial 000- July 22, 2008 &039;Sick&039; pensioners call ambulances when they need taxi They travel free, and soon recover Then it&039;s off to the shops 150m away PARAMEDICS responding to emergency Triple-0 calls in Sydney&039;s west are ins... |