Verona Beach NewsLocal news for Verona Beach, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Math and English test results are up- June 26, 2008 Some grades in some local schools can boast of a perfect passing rate in this year's state tests. What they miss- June 24, 2008 Melanie Reynolds, right, holds up her daughter, Abigail, 1, with her mother, Mary Reynolds, at a picnic Sunday at Verona Beach State Park. Frogfest this Saturday- June 14, 2008 Big Frog 104, the best and most country, is celebrating its 20th anniversary with the largest one-day free country music event in Central New York on Saturday, June 14. Steamy blast of summer for CNY- June 6, 2008 Central New York is sultry again. A warm, moist air mass slipped into the region Wednesday, and the change became apparent Thursday as temperatures neared 80, said National Weather Service hydrometeorological ... Idols' Upstate tour schedule- June 3, 2008 Categories: American Idol It's time for my annual roundup of Idol appearances in Upstate NY. |