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Feed items 1 - 10 of 10 for July 2008

Summer's Kiss

Afghan Whigs, Twilight Singers, Greg Dulli Compendium

New Gutter Twins track Belles - July 22, 2008

Via The Gutter Twins MySpace Blog Belles is a cover of the Vetiver song from the forthcoming iTunes release, Adorata. It will feature covers and outtakes recorded during the various Saturnalia sessions and will be available by the new moon. Enjoy. You can stream &8220;Belles&8221; at the band&8217;s Myspace page.

Upcoming Moon Maan Dates - July 21, 2008

Moon Maan has two upcoming dates which will mark their debut as a three-piece. 822- Stasius, Minneapolis 912 - First Avenue, Minneapolis w They Might Be Giants The new lineup is Rick McCollum, Erik Mathison and introducing Casey O&8217;Brien on bass.

Dulli in Kerrang - July 17, 2008

There&8217;s a short Q &038; A with Greg Dulli in the current issue of Kerrang! UK. Transcript below: Greg Dulli The Gutter Twins My Favourite Film &8220;It&8217;s still gotta be Jaws, man. More recently, I loved The Diving Bell And The Butterfly. It&8217;s remarkable on many levels: it showed a new way of making a movie, the story was ... Sup Pops Essential 20 - July 15, 2008

From;s Music Milestones Afghan Whigs - &8220;Up In It&8221; (1990) Like a Midwestern Houellebecq on a whiskey bender, Greg Dulli isn&8217;t afraid to skewer his own desires while chasing skirts. While not as strong as their later efforts, &8220;Up In It,&8221; is an excellent portrait of a band finding their identity as chroniclers of dark desires ...

Gutter Twins in LVRJ.coms 2008 Best of (So Far) - July 15, 2008

SOUNDING OFF: This year proving good for your ears With the year half over, it&8217;s time to take stock of the best of albums of &8216;08 thus far. Here are my current favorites: The Gutter Twins, &8220;Saturnalia&8221;: A mix of bourbon and, well, lots more bourbon, this pairing of the dead-voiced Mark Lanegan and the whiskeyed come-ons of ...

Ed Harcourt to Score Darko Sequel - July 15, 2008

Ed Harcourt Merges Glass, Drone For Darko Sequel &124; Listening Post from &8220;Greg Dulli recently turned me on to The Disintegration Loops I-IV of William Basinski, so thats a big influence right now,&8221; he adds. The two swapped ideas and influences when Harcourt toured earlier this year with Dullis band The Gutter Twins .

Gentlemen Book Available for Preorder - July 11, 2008 Afghan Whigs&8217; Gentlemen (33 13 Series) by Bob Gendron Book Description from &8220;In the absence of love, there is loneliness, sorrow and desperation. And that&8217;s where I come in.&8221; &8211;Greg Dulli, introducing &8220;When We Two Parted&8221; onstage in San Francisco Like no record before or since, Gentlemen is fraught with the psychological warfare, bedroom drama, Catholic ...

Thank You Los Angeles - July 11, 2008

Scott Ford posted the setlist from last night&8217;s Gutter Twins show in Los Angeles. Looks like a fantastic set. Idle Hands Bonnie Brae Seven Stories Live With Me God&8217;s Children Hit The City The Stations Bete Noir Flow Like A River Down The Line St. James Spanish Doors Each to Each Front Street Papillon No Easy Action King Only Methamphetamine Blues Number Nine

Sub Pop 20 at Pitchfork - July 11, 2008

Pitchfork narrowed down their picks for Sub Pop&8217;s 20 best releases, and the Afghan Whigs are prominently featured with Congregation. &8594; Sub Pop 20 &124; Pitchfork Afghan Whigs: Congregation 1991 The first band hailing from outside the Pacific Northwest to join the Sub Pop stable, Ohios Afghan Whigs brought a healthy injection of libido to the labels angsty ...

MTV Tours Sub Pop - July 9, 2008 has a video tour of the Sub Pop office. The clip includes a bulldog strategizing on how to promote The Gutter Twins album and a Polaroid of Greg Dulli and Sub Pop VP Megan Jasper&8217;s mom. &8594; MTV Newsroom Nirvana Photos, Mudhoney Records And Grunge Shirts Galore: A Tour Of The Sub Pop Office Saturnalia ...
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