The Cat SpeaksThe Cat Speaks - LiveJournal.comFleet Action off the Southwest Coast of Spain- May 23, 2008 Fleet Action off the Southwest Coast of SpainPart 3In which the actual pawnzorationing of knobs takes place.After that last round of psyching ourselves up, nothing much happened for maybe 20 minutes. We talked about Chairman Mao and some other stuff until a little after noon, when things finally got good again.12:14:Cyan: Yeah, but if even the dude who delivered your enchiladas has heard of12:14:HAPPYTIGER: 12:14:Cyan: Chairman Mao, and you haven't, we can safely say that you are just... Fleet Action off the Southwest Coast of Spain- May 22, 2008 Fleet Action off the Southwest Coast of SpainPart 2In which the action heats up and we prepare for battle.Combat hasn't started yet, but you can see my elite crew begin to psych themselves up and get into the right mindset in this short usurpt. Note the results of my amazing leadership skills. 11:47:m_cat: All right! Time to pawn some knobs!11:47:Ichiko: Rock!11:47:m_cat: ...Sure.11:47:m_cat: Signal the fleet: JAFFA! KREE!11:47:StephenJAubrey (Quarterdeck): that's like 8 times today shes said... Fleet Action off the Southwest Coast of Spain- May 18, 2008 Fleet Action off the Southwest Coast of SpainPart 1In which we have discovered a strange fleet.Since the logs of the time we stole HMS Victory seem fairly popular, I thought I'd share with you even more of our amazing adventures. This one took place a day or so after rollback.06:07:.oOo.WiLlIaM NoRrInGtOn-SpArRoW.oOo.: Sails two points off starboard bow!06:07:=Wm Norrington=: Sweet.06:07:m_cat: How many06:07:FredMarryat: We have the weather gauge. ROFL06:07:.oOo.WiLlIaM NoRrInGtOn-SpArRoW.oOo.:. Stealing HMS Victory, Part 3- May 17, 2008 Stealing HMS VictoryPart 3in which our great adventure comes to a close.When last we left our decrepid crew, we had just pawned our first knob. Well, this part takes place maybe half a day later. We'd dealt with a bunch of powerful NPC ships and picked up a bunch of xp and treasure. Then we spent maybe five hours becalmed. Fortunately, MC:TAC includes a number of mini-games, so spending five hours on a ship with no wind wasn't nearly as boring as you'd think. We had several fine games of... Stealing HMS Victory, Part 2- May 13, 2008 Stealing HMS VictoryPart 2in which we pawn some knobs.We'd been sailing for about six hours when we came encountered our first possible foe. But would things really go as we had planned08:51:JeffVader: A sail!08:51:m_cat: Where08:52:JeffVader: Over there somewhere.08:52:JeffVader: It's five or so of those thingies to the left.08:52:wilw: Six points off the port bow.08:52:JeffVader: I think they're French.08:52:m_cat: Time to pawn some knobs like they've never been pawned before.08:52:wilw: Um,.. Stealing HMS Victory, Part 1- May 11, 2008 Stealing HMS VictoryPart 1in which we steal HMS Victory.01:13:Sentry: Who goes there01:13:wilw: Admiral Collingwood01:14:wilw: That seemed to work.01:14:Sentry: Who goes there01:14:m_cat: Thomas Cochrane01:14:Sentry: Who goes there01:14:FredMarryat: I'm Juggernaut, bitch!01:14:FredMarryat: Maybe they don't care what you say.01:14:Sentry: Who goes there01:15:Sentry: Who goes there01:15:Sentry: Who goes there01:15:Sentry: Who goes there01:15:Sentry: Who goes there01:15:Sentry: Who goes... MMORPG review, part 2- May 11, 2008 I'm concluding my review of Master and Commander: The Acheron's Call, a new, historically accurate MMORPG set in the Neapolitan Wars. In the first half, I talked about the really cool parts of the game. In this post, I cover some of the weaknesses. I have no doubt that some of them, nee nearly all of them, will be fixed in time. However, in fairness to anyone who decides to play, I should mention them here.DrawbacksIn a move that is ill-advisedly stolen from Puzzle Pirates, if you want to... New MMORPG!- May 10, 2008 I've been playing a new MMORPG for the last few months, and it's just out of beta. Ladies and gentlemen, I introduce to you Master and Commander: The Acheron's Call, which is sort of based on the movie Master and Commander.You can play a sailor in the Royal Navy, a privateer, or a pirate. You can get into trouble on shore or form a crew, get a ship, and sail the high seas!Cool FeaturesIf you like real-time strategy games, this is for you. This isn't technically real-time, though, since you can.. |