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Feed items 1 - 10 of 25 for October 2006

(Untitled) - October 30, 2006

Check out the new home for this blogI've started posting at the new home for this blog, which I'm calling The Writing Life II. All posts go there starting November 1. These last few days, I'll be posting at both locations. The new interface is more user-friendly and presumably will be more stable as well. I believe all the Blogger stuff goes to the new interface eventually, so I might as well begin now. Onward.

(Untitled) - October 30, 2006

The New InterfaceI've been playing with the new publishing interface in beta development since Google purchased Blogger. I like it. I think I'm switching to it soon.

(Untitled) - October 29, 2006

Growing painsSince Google purchased Blogger, changes have been introduced and my current problem publishing may be a consequence of this. A new "beta" blog format is in the works, and I might have to switch to it. Because I added some "plus" features, this isn't automatically done -- seems like we're penalized for using the top elements of the old format! At any rate, the present situation is driving me nuts. This morning it's been taking me dozens of tries to publish.

(Untitled) - October 29, 2006

Is it fixed I ask the question with trepidation ... somehow, on about the 40th try, I was able to publish. A hassle if I have to do this each time.

(Untitled) - October 29, 2006

What a messSuddenly my posts at Blogger won't publish ... get them saved but not published to be seen. Not sure what to do and support is slow. Ah, me.

(Untitled) - October 29, 2006

ProdigyIt's mind-boggling to me that a teenager could have written the poem below. My brother, Bill Deemer, also was something of a poet-prodigy. He was a teenager when he published in the prestigious Poetry Magazine. He was a teenager when Andrew Hoyem published his first book at San Francisco's (then) Auerhahn Press. One of the poems in this first collection also blew me away. Beginning (not sure of line breaks), "secretes the edge by which is known the insides insides insides exterior and...

(Untitled) - October 29, 2006

Published today in 1933 (Dylan Thomas was 19) The force that through the green fuse drives the flowerThe force that through the green fuse drives the flowerDrives my green age; that blasts the roots of treesIs my destroyer.And I am dumb to tell the crooked roseMy youth is bent by the same wintry fever.The force that drives the water through the rocksDrives my red blood; that dries the mouthing streamsTurns mine to wax.And I am dumb to mouth unto my veinsHow at the mountain spring the same mouth.

(Untitled) - October 29, 2006

New cycle Turning back the clock, as we did last night, always suggests the beginning of winter to me, even though we're not there yet. When I come out of class, it's very dark. A new cycle begins.

(Untitled) - October 29, 2006

New libretto Dug out my notes on a new libretto last night and went over them. This will be a challenging project, to say the least, given the sprawling magnitude of the source material. This was adapted to "a dramatic review" in the 1950s but only last night have I been able to locate a copy, this is a London bookstore. I ordered it, might suggest a story strategy I've missed. I have my own take on the material, of course. The first decision, a process started last night, is which of the dozen.

(Untitled) - October 29, 2006

60s-70s music No doubt I've already mentioned this but if you have occasion to listen to music when you're at the computer, check out Music of the Vietnam Era, long playlists of just about everything you can think of. Not sure if it's legal but there it is. Highly used by yours truly.
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- October (25 items)
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