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Feed items 21 - 25 of 25 for October 2006

(Untitled) - October 26, 2006

About dyingI believe in quality of life over quantity of life. In practical terms, if I get the big C or some other disease, I may not do treatment if I think the cure is worse than the disease, which is exactly what it was in every single case I've seen a dear friend suffer through. Moreover, I think I've lived long enough and considerably longer than I expected to or anyone would have predicted during my wild youth. I've been living what Raymond Carver called "gravy" for some time now. I'm...

(Untitled) - October 26, 2006

About aging A key to graceful aging, I think, is being lucky with regard to health. The worst thing that's happened to my body lately is my bridge falling out, which was no biggie. Sure, I have aches and pains but they're no biggie either. Knock on my wooden head.Another is to be happy with your generation, happy with when you were born, and I am totally ecstatic with mine! How could I not be I was not raised on television! I was an early teenager during the birth of rock and roll! I did my...

(Untitled) - October 26, 2006

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(Untitled) - October 26, 2006

WeillBrecht Music VideoCheck it out at Nurse Fusion.

(Untitled) - October 25, 2006

Sketch's friend getting anxious for the party
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- October (25 items)
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