Urbandale NewsLocal news for Urbandale, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Two charged in Razamatazz shooting plead not guilty- July 23, 2008 A Des Moines man and a Des Moines teenager charged in the June 15 shooting at Razamatazz Grill & Bar in Urbandale will face a jury trial at 9 a.m. Oct.http://www.topix.net/city/urbandale-ia/2008/07/two-charged-in-razamatazz-shooting-plead-no... Storm stories from Perry, Ankeny, Johnson, Des Moines, Urbandale- July 22, 2008 PERRY Wind clocked at 85 mph levels trees Dispatchers called out storm spotters about 3 a.m. Monday.http://www.topix.net/city/urbandale-ia/2008/07/storm-stories-from-perry-ankeny-johnson-des... Urbandale news and notes- July 22, 2008 The city of Urbandale received a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting July 8 from the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada.http://www.topix.net/city/urbandale-ia/2008/07/urbandale-news-and-notes?fromrss=1 New in the Neighborhood- July 22, 2008 Services include tuneups; brakes and air conditioner diagnostics; and routine maintenance for autos, light trucks and some commercial trucks.http://www.topix.net/city/urbandale-ia/2008/07/new-in-the-neighborhood?fromrss=1 You should get to know ... Kate Cooper- July 20, 2008 Business description: Yost Family Chiropractic combines the latest advances in chiropractic technology with the ancient healing art of acupuncture.http://www.topix.net/city/urbandale-ia/2008/07/you-should-get-to-know-kate-cooper?fromrss=... Urbandale seniors show off their musical talents- July 18, 2008 Guests at the Urbandale Senior Center were treated to a musical trip into the past on Tuesday provided by senior-citizen students at Critchett's Lowrey Organ Center.http://www.topix.net/city/urbandale-ia/2008/07/urbandale-seniors-show-off-their-musical-ta... Boesen's death leaves heartbreak, questions- July 18, 2008 Circumstances of the death of Ed Boesen began to emerge Wednesday, while those involved in his businesses were wondering what might lie ahead.http://www.topix.net/city/urbandale-ia/2008/07/boesens-death-leaves-heartbreak-questions?f... Urbandale gardeners dig butterfly class- July 17, 2008 Tucked away in a corner of Urbandale is a masterpiece created by gardeners from all over the metro area.http://www.topix.net/city/urbandale-ia/2008/07/urbandale-gardeners-dig-butterfly-class?fro... Urbandale gets defibrillator after boy's near death- July 17, 2008 It's been more than a year and a half since Ethan Middleton, now 14, lay on the basketball court of the Urbandale Middle School gym between life and death.http://www.topix.net/city/urbandale-ia/2008/07/urbandale-gets-defibrillator-after-boys-nea... Users praise Urbandale's retooled Web site- July 16, 2008 Urbandale resident Chuck Davis could easily spend 20 minutes searching for the information he needed on the city of Urbandale's previous Web site.http://www.topix.net/city/urbandale-ia/2008/07/users-praise-urbandales-retooled-web-site?f... |