Urbandale NewsLocal news for Urbandale, IA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Bring dog for some yoga, raise money- July 16, 2008 The Animal Rescue League of Iowa and Liz Taylor Yoga will present the second annual Doga event in Des Moines.http://www.topix.net/city/urbandale-ia/2008/07/bring-dog-for-some-yoga-raise-money?fromrss... Webkinz fans flock to Urbandale library- July 15, 2008 Like any other day, Kayli Karkiainen, 8, of Urbandale visited her favorite Web site Friday, but this time she did it in person.http://www.topix.net/city/urbandale-ia/2008/07/webkinz-fans-flock-to-urbandale-library?fro... Urbandale leaders seek clarity on housing- July 15, 2008 Competing needs of a changing housing market and long-term goals for the use of city land underscore growing confusion among leaders about guiding development in western Urbandale.http://www.topix.net/city/urbandale-ia/2008/07/urbandale-leaders-seek-clarity-on-housing?f... 'Clubhouse' host at Urbandale library- July 15, 2008 Dan Wardell, host of Iowa Public Television's 'Kids Clubhouse,' will read an original story from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. July 28 at the Urbandale Public Library, 3520 86th St.http://www.topix.net/city/urbandale-ia/2008/07/clubhouse-host-at-urbandale-library?fromrss... Fourth of July jubilance returns to W.D.M.- July 14, 2008 West Des Moines residents were elated that the city's annual Fourth of July parade returned to its normal route last week.http://www.topix.net/city/urbandale-ia/2008/07/fourth-of-july-jubilance-returns-to-w-d-m?f... Urbandale woman celebrates 100th birthday- July 13, 2008 After meeting challenges in her life, such as surviving the Great Depression and the 1918 influenza pandemic, Hilda Smidt of Urbandale celebrated another milestone last week - her 100th birthday.http://www.topix.net/city/urbandale-ia/2008/07/urbandale-woman-celebrates-100th-birthday?f... Club ordeal frustrates Urbandale leader- July 12, 2008 Urbandale City Councilwoman Mary Polson is not angry; she is frustrated. She's frustrated at the perception by some Urbandale residents that the council sat on its hands; frustrated at the complexity of Iowa ...http://www.topix.net/city/urbandale-ia/2008/07/club-ordeal-frustrates-urbandale-leader?fro... McCain Campaign Office Opens in Urbandale- July 11, 2008 July 11, 2008-- Republican presidential candidate John McCain skipped the Iowa Straw Poll this year, but he won't be forgetting about Iowa this summer.http://www.topix.net/city/urbandale-ia/2008/07/mccain-campaign-office-opens-in-urbandale?f... Urbandale names 4th of July winners- July 11, 2008 The Urbandale Fourth of July Committee has announced the winners of its Fourth of July competitions: - Float: first place, New Hope Assembly of God; second place, St.http://www.topix.net/city/urbandale-ia/2008/07/urbandale-names-4th-of-july-winners?fromrss... Urbandale team to walk D.M. Marathon- July 11, 2008 LaDona Molander of Urbandale and her team, PD Walkers, will walk in the Des Moines Marathon on Oct.http://www.topix.net/city/urbandale-ia/2008/07/urbandale-team-to-walk-d-m-marathon?fromrss... |