Utica NewsLocal news for Utica, NY continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Niraj Mohanka: Amateur Historian and Indologist- July 7, 2008 Enthusiast May 17, 2003 "There was no Aryan 'invasion'. Ever. Humankind began in Africa and there have been steady migrations ever since.http://www.topix.net/city/utica-ny/2008/07/niraj-mohanka-amateur-historian-and-indologist?... Utica Fire Department battle three simultaneous fires- July 5, 2008 UTICA - The Utica Fire Department was called to battle three working fires within a 45 minute span of time.http://www.topix.net/city/utica-ny/2008/07/utica-fire-department-battle-three-simultaneous... Explore NY grant to help Utica market Downtown- July 3, 2008 A $7,500 Explore NY grant will help the City of Utica market downtown as a destination for arts, culture and heritage.http://www.topix.net/city/utica-ny/2008/07/explore-ny-grant-to-help-utica-market-downtown?... Police: Woman pulled knife, gun from baby stroller- July 3, 2008 Get your own free photo page and see photos from other Dayton-area residents. ohsnap.daytondailynews.com . UD sports info, pictures and discussions Are you a UD sports fan Whether you like basketball, ...http://www.topix.net/city/utica-ny/2008/07/police-woman-pulled-knife-gun-from-baby-strolle... Arcuri D24 NY Tied To Spitzer Fundraiser- July 1, 2008 Freshman Rep. Michael Arcuri paid $44,000 to a political consultant who is under federal investigation as part of the Eliot Spitzer prostitution scandal.http://www.topix.net/city/utica-ny/2008/07/arcuri-d24-ny-tied-to-spitzer-fundraiser?fromrs... Three face robbery charges- July 1, 2008 Three men are being charged with robbery after allegedly robbing two people at gunpoint of cash, clothing and electronics in the 1400 block of Noyes Street.http://www.topix.net/city/utica-ny/2008/07/three-face-robbery-charges?fromrss=1 Utica: A city in Herkimer County- July 1, 2008 But here's a thought: why does it have to mean anything at all Why does annexation by Utica require annexation by Oneida County It is Utica Services that the people want - - - NOT Oneida County Services.http://www.topix.net/city/utica-ny/2008/06/utica-a-city-in-herkimer-county?fromrss=1 F.X. Matt brewery reopens in Utica after fire- July 1, 2008 Bottling resumed Monday at an upstate New York brewery damaged by a serious fire a month ago.http://www.topix.net/city/utica-ny/2008/06/f-x-matt-brewery-reopens-in-utica-after-fire?fr... |