The Cornermusings at the intersection of life & me'No Values Voters' Looking To Support Most Evil Candidate- July 21, 2008 Heroes in a condition of doubt and uncertainty: Tara, WALL-E, The Dark Knight & Parker Palmer- July 21, 2008 This season in films is filled with heroes - a bright red one, a uniquely American girl, someone who is not so smart, a kick-ass panda and even a nasty, snarky superhero. image from Kate's Eye I depend on heroes... What is faith- July 20, 2008 Bricks or a trampoline Matthew 25 Network: Don't just stand on the sidelines complaining this election season- July 18, 2008 Brian McLaren with an invitation to join the Matthew 25 Network, to to step off the sidelines as an observer or critic: For nearly 2000 years, followers of Christ have sought to live out their faith in the real world... (Untitled)- July 18, 2008 Fascinating analysis from Frank Newport at the Gallup Guru Blog: Younger Americans have always (well, at least back through the 1970s at any rate) been less likely to identify with a religion than those who are older. But it appears... How Am I Living - Biblically, Oprah, Cost Benefit- July 17, 2008 One of the things that has gnawed at me as a person who calls himself a Christian is how my beliefs impact my acts, how my practices are faithed (as Brian McLaren has said). This gnawing has made me fascinated... Changing from I have been to what I am called to be- July 16, 2008 For the past several years, I have really struggled with giving myself over to a deeper sense of what my work might be about. I derive a great deal of my definition of self from the income I make and... Radiohead - House of Cards- July 15, 2008 my lord they are geniuses - here is the making of video my vaca media diet: one little piggy went running, one little piggy....- July 14, 2008 one of the many things that was just glorious about our vacation was time - wide open spaces, to lose myself in Lisa or sleeping or reading something longer than a magazine or newspaper here is my media diet from... Happy Anniversary Journey !- July 13, 2008 Today is the 4 year anniversary for the faith community we live as a part of here in Austin - Journey Imperfect Faith Community. It has been such a gift for us to be a part of this rag-tag group... |