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Feed items 11 - 20 of 21 for July 2008

The Corner

musings at the intersection of life & me

What We Brought Home From Our Vaca - July 13, 2008

Bought this painting by Br Cletus at a great gallery in Waring,Tx - we call her Sophia of Sisterdale.

Off on A Digital Detox - July 6, 2008

We are dropping off Katie for camp at Laity Lodge , then spending a week in the Hill Country. I'll be back in a week.... Sea Don't by TheGWT

The Most Patriotic Thing An American Can Do - July 4, 2008

James Taylor - 'On The 4th of July (Live)' - July 4, 2008

A July 4th Playlist - July 4, 2008

SeeqPod - Playable Search

(Untitled) - July 3, 2008

I just love Chris Corrigan's blog - he points to a credo that is powerful: First is Gd. All flows from here. That is saying something, since it could be viewed the other way: that Gd arises from the human....

RELEVANT Magazine Q&A With Barack Obama - July 3, 2008

Cameron Strang's Q&A with Obama has some insights into his faith-based initiatives: We also want to train more sophisticated groupsthe big megachurch or Catholic Charitiesto work with the small storefronts, or the synagogue or mosque that doesnt have as much...

great quote about tools & teachinglearning - July 2, 2008

LParisi Tools don't teach but they can change the way we teach & learn. - Chris Lehmann

For This Reason Alone, Please Vote for Obama - July 2, 2008

Obama: We need all hands on deck - July 1, 2008

image from Scorrigan... These past few days have shown 2 examples of why I think Barack Obama is a politician who can have a positive impact on the U.S.: Over the weekend, Obama announced he would oppose the California ballot...
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