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Feed items 1 - 10 of 20 for April 2005

Socializing With the Boss Can Open Career Doors - April 24, 2005

High on Bill Perry's mental list of things to do this year is to play golf with his company's chief executive. He has his clubs ready to go at the first call. Perry's father-in-law advised him not to talk about work until at least the fifth hole. And so what if he's not great at the game He knows spending those few hours one-on-one with his boss is critical to his career.

Finding Meaning -- Wait, It's Right Here! -- in the Mess - April 24, 2005

Do people gasp when they look at your desk Do you have a hard time finding your mouse to open your e-mail Do your phone conversations sound a little like this: "Um, hold on just one minute. I know it's right here. One second. I think it's . . . yep. I knew it. Here it is."

Breathe, Then Count to 10 . . . - April 24, 2005

Standing in line at the Whole Foods store one night after work recently, I watched as a man in front of me took his bad day out on the woman behind the cash register.

Job Hunting In a Family Way - April 24, 2005

Kristian Denny Todd found out she was pregnant with her first child in the fall of 2003 -- about the same time she was interviewing for a new job.

Mergers Can Mean Attitude Adjustment - April 24, 2005

Changing jobs and moving houses are often cited as our major sources of stress. So how do employees handle mergers Well, their jobs will probably change. They may lose their jobs. And they are probably moving, if not physically, then at least figuratively.

Your Interruption Strategy - April 24, 2005

You know the scenario: You have a list of things you must get done today. You get to work early for some quiet time, hunker down with a cup of coffee. Turn the computer on, get ready to type your first words of the day, and there it goes: the phone, more e-mails than you expected and that co-worker who taps on the door with "just one little thing."

If a Man Falls in the Firm, Does Anybody Notice - April 24, 2005

Women make up just about 1 percent of chief executives in the Fortune 500. And the recent departure of Carly Fiorina from her perch as chairman and chief executive at Hewlett-Packard Co. made that percentage drop even further.

Breaking Into the Boardroom - April 24, 2005

Claire L. Arnold has led a busy corporate life. She worked for Coca-Cola in the 1970s as a sales manager and district manager and, eventually, went into marketing. Then, with her husband, she bought a distributorship of consumer products sold to convenience stores, and she became chief executive. She grew the business from one distribution warehouse to nine. She had three children. And she got sick a lot, usually when she was most stressed.

Even in Sickness, Wedded to the Job - April 24, 2005

Earlier this month, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-N.Y.) fainted after she complained of a stomach virus. She went on to give a speech about health care later that day. According to press reports, she was introduced by former U.S. Rep. John J. LaFalce (D-N.Y.), who told the crowd that Clinton was there against her doctor's advice because she was committed to talking about health care.

Workplaces: Prepare for Reentry - April 24, 2005

Renee Blair and her husband always agreed that she would take extended time off from her career when they had a baby. So when Blair gave birth to little Logan in October 2003, she left her job as a program manager for the District government to take care of him for a year. As she started to look for work again, she applied for positions at the senior management level, a step up from her previous jobs, because she thought she had the experience.
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- April (20 items)
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