washingtonpost.com - My TimeMy TimeAging: The View From Below- April 23, 2005 Children know best. They see aging for what it is:http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A4206-2004Nov22.html?nav=rss_health/columns/... Going, Going . . . But Not Gone- April 23, 2005 They're saying goodbye in waves: Tom, Dan and Bill . . . Tom, Tommy and Colin -- a rush of high-profile retirements in the government and the media. Suddenly, a flock of successful men is stepping down from the high point of status and career.http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A61038-2004Dec13.html?nav=rss_health/columns... We Ain't Heavy . . .- April 23, 2005 I am sick of being blamed for bankrupting the country's future. The coming collapse of Social Security, soaring drug costs in Medicare, the breakdown of Medicaid -- all my fault! Because I and millions of others are growing older and are about to become eligible for these giant public programs.http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A24460-2005Feb14.html?nav=rss_health/columns... A Time for Flexibility- April 23, 2005 What do retirees and mothers of young children have in common They both want jobs with flexible schedules.http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A20535-2004Nov29.html?nav=rss_health/columns... The Age of Discrimination- April 23, 2005 To geriatrician Deborah Goldberg, it seemed like the perfect job: running a geriatric teaching program at a hospital in New York. She had been an internist in private practice. She was board-certified as a geriatrician. She was told that she was clearly the leading candidate. The last hurdle was an interview with the chief of medicine.http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A6202-2005Feb7.html?nav=rss_health/columns/m... Crucial Lessons, In a Time of Need- April 23, 2005 Senior volunteers are contributing their time to help struggling school systems.http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A51426-2004Nov15.html?nav=rss_health/columns... The Old and The Restless- April 23, 2005 The new fitness freak is the 60-year-old who lifts weights every day. Or the 70-year-old who runs marathons. For some, regular exercise becomes the organizing focus of the week, the way raising children and building a risumi used to be.http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A33524-2005Jan24.html?nav=rss_health/columns... Medicare's a Solution, Not The Problem- April 23, 2005 When Ann Satterthwaite goes to a birthday party for a friend who's turning 65, she makes up a red-white-and-blue card and holds a ceremony to welcome the new member into the country's greatest health club: Medicare.http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A62495-2004Oct25.html?nav=rss_health/columns... Old and Proud- April 23, 2005 To tell or not to tell. . . . In the past, the answer was easy. After a certain age, a woman never revealed her age.http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A16164-2005Jan17.html?nav=rss_health/columns... In a Public Service Redress, Heart Campaign Puts on a New Face- April 23, 2005 Every time I ride the Metro, I see them -- by now, they've almost become friends: a group of 11 middle-aged women who smile at me from a giant PSA poster in the Farragut North station. All of them are dressed in in-your-face red. Forget wearing black because it makes a person look thinner. Large, small and in between, these women are fashion-rule-breakers. They want to get noticed.http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A42612-2005Feb21.html?nav=rss_health/columns... |