The Fly NewsNews on The Fly continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.We have a report a report from the Paris premiere of David Cronenberg ...- July 6, 2008 Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. We have a review of Cronenberg and Shore's long anticipated Opera adaptation of Cronenberg's amazing '80s cornerstone, his remake of THE FLY. PHOTOS: 'Fly' Morphs From Movie to Opera- July 4, 2008 The success of David Cronenberg's 1986 horror flick "The Fly" has led to a bizarre transition from the big screen to the stage. Buzz of the Paris stage season: Horror flick "The Fly" as opera- July 3, 2008 The U.S. economy is likely to remain sluggish over the remainder of the year, according to Dennis Lockhart, the president of the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank. Cronenberg's Fly Goes to the Opera- July 2, 2008 When I interviewed cinema auteur David Cronenberg last year for, an opera version of his 1986 sci-fi remake The Fly was still in the larval stage. Buzz of the Paris stage season: Horror flick "The Fly" as opera- July 2, 2008 Final Box 1 Market Update - WASHINGTON -- The U.S. economy is likely to remain sluggish over the remainder of the year, according to Dennis Lockhart, the president of the Atlanta Federal Reserve Bank. Will The Fly live up to its buzz- July 1, 2008 Perhaps to a trained special-effects man it hasn't achieved the proper degree of inside-outness, but to the layman's eye it looks just as repulsive as the baboon that exploded in Jeff Goldblum's failed telepod ... |