The Desktop Fishbowltail -f /dev/mind > blogNothing to see here..- October 15, 2002 Hello. If you can read this, you've reached a weblog that is no longer being updated. I've moved. For people visiting this page over the web, all the new stuff is being posted over here, on The Fishbowl For people reading my RSS newsfeed, you now have not one, not two, but five different RSS feeds to choose from. They're listed in the right-hand sidebar of The Fishbowl, but I'll list them here, too. This is my personally preferred feed, an RSS1.0 feed of all the posts I make, but only with... I am not a number! I am a human being!- October 7, 2002 This radio weblog is now defunct. It has ceased to be. It has expired and gone to meet its maker. There will be no more posts to this weblogs, except the ones I make now and then to bug anyone who is still subscribed to my RSS feed. Short version: New homepage, New RSS feed: http:fishbowl.pastiche.orgindex.rdf. Things that are broken will be fixed anon. Long version. I installed Moveable Type on a local hosting provider, and pointed my own domain at it. I wrestled... The Move, Part One...- October 7, 2002 Are there any instructions anywhere for exporting your blog from Radio, and importing it into Moveable Type ass-umptions- October 5, 2002 I just ran the MacOS X Software Update, and one of the items in it was the fix for the Internet Explorer certificate-chains bug. Great, I'll install that, I use IE every so often, when a site is too broken to work in anything else. After the installation was complete, I went back to NetNewsWire Lite, double-clicked on an article, and what do you know, instead of another tab opening in Chimera, Internet Explorer opens. The update had changed my default browser preference. Bastards. To anyone... More Typos- October 4, 2002 My most common mistake in Java is typing StringBugger. The F and G are right next to each other. Joe's Jelly I find I rarely make mistakes like that while coding Java—I use autocomplete for anything longer than three characters anyway. On the other hand, when pair-programming on a Java 1.1 project, and I was dictating code for my pair to type, I used to say things like “enumeration dot nextElephant”to see whether I could get him to type it by mistake. Typos- October 3, 2002 My two most common typos when writing HTML by hand are trying to close <acronym> tags with <a>, and more embarrassingly, mistyping <cite> as <cute>. The Naming of Hosts is a difficult matter.- October 3, 2002 Quoth Mike In the office all our machines are named after Muppets (Gonzo, Scooter, Beaker, Bunsen, Cookie, Grover etc), our servers are all named after Greek gods (Zeus, Bacchus - son of Zeus etc).At my university, the servers were all named after composers (Mozart, Liszt, Handel etc). What wacky naming schemes do you have Let's see. My personal machines are named after states of religious enlightenment, because I started running them back at Uni halfway through an Eastern Philosophy course.... Terrible news...- October 3, 2002 Blondes ‘to die out in 200 years’. Get one while you still can! Sysadmin Crap- October 2, 2002 Jamie Zawinski talks about the joys of computing: And -- let me emphasize -- I do not enjoy this! Oh sure, you say, why do you keep doing it I don't know. I think I still enjoy writing software, usually. But what I end up spending almost all of my time doing is sysadmin crap. I hate it. I have always hated it. Always. If you made a Venn diagram, there would be two non-overlapping circles, one of which was labeled, "Times when I am truly happy" and the other of which was labeled, "Times.. Google-eyed- October 2, 2002 Dave Winer thinks that because he's not ranked where he wants to be, “Google's algorithm is quirky, or the implementation is buggy, or both.” I've also noticed that I'm no longer the first non-Apple search result for Janie Porche, and I've even fallen to third-place on naked desktop people (although amusingly enough, the top two are Ugo Cei linking to me). Google must be in a tough situation. When they started out, PageRank was a really neat idea, and worked very well. What it... |