Titusville NewsLocal news for Titusville, PA continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Police & Fire Calls- July 7, 2008 A Titusville man was injured and flown to Hamot Medical Center in Erie after a motorcycle accident around 7:44 p.m. Friday on LeBoeuf Trail Road in Venango County.http://www.topix.net/city/titusville-pa/2008/07/police-fire-calls?fromrss=1 Boom and bust for first oil well driller Edwin Drake- July 6, 2008 Edwin Drake left his family's Vermont farm at age 19 in 1838 and spent the next 11 years working in clerking jobs.http://www.topix.net/city/titusville-pa/2008/07/boom-and-bust-for-first-oil-well-driller-e... Iran and Brazil Can Do It. So Can We.- July 5, 2008 COMMENT By Gal Luft Sunday, July 6, 2008; Page B01 When the founding fathers declared our independence, they could not have imagined that, 232 years later, the United States would be so spectacularly dependent ...http://www.topix.net/city/titusville-pa/2008/07/iran-and-brazil-can-do-it-so-can-we?fromrs... Editorials from around Pennsylvania- July 3, 2008 STATE STILL DOESN'T TAX NATURAL GAS, OIL: We've harped on this before - and we'll keep harping until Pennsylvania's elected officials, who have no problem taxing your house, land and income, finally decide to ...http://www.topix.net/city/titusville-pa/2008/07/editorials-from-around-pennsylvania?fromrs... Man involved in crash gets split verdict- July 1, 2008 Karl Kalbrenner of Titusville was driving an SUV that struck a van transporting 11 Amish people.http://www.topix.net/city/titusville-pa/2008/06/man-involved-in-crash-gets-split-verdict?f... |