Vershire NewsLocal news for Vershire, VT continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.A legacy lurking beneath- July 9, 2008 Last month, the U.S. Supreme Court slashed a civil judgment of $5 billion originally awarded to Alaskan fishermen and other businesses that were harmed in one of the most notorious environmental disasters in American history. In March, 1989 the Exxon Valdez struck a reef off of Alaska spilling 11 million gallons of crude oil into the Prince William Sound that washed up on hundreds of miles of coastline. The Court's decision limited punitive damages to the civil plaintiffs to $500... Salmonella Scare Helps Local Farms- July 7, 2008 It is business as usual at the Crossroad Farm in Post Mills. For those "localvores" who like it fresh, the farm stand is a weekly stop. Deadly Fall in Mine- July 5, 2008 A 70-year-old man was accidentally killed on Wednesday, when he fell down a mine shaft at the old copper mines in West Fairlee. Senior Falls Down Mine Shaft, Dies- July 3, 2008 A Vershire, Vt., man was killed Wednesday after falling 60 feet down one of the mine shafts at the West Fairlee Copper Mines. |