Valmeyer NewsLocal news for Valmeyer, IL continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.WWII veteran shares service spirit and lemon cakes- June 25, 2008 A fellow resident at Cape Albeon retirement community made this apron for Bob Althoff, who shares his lemon cakes with friends and acquaintances. How a Flooded Town Became a City on a Hill- June 22, 2008 Today, town after town along the swollen Mississippi River continues the downhill fight against the floods. Soaked in '93, town now high, dry- June 20, 2008 VALMEYER, Ill. - The Mississippi River is rising again in Valmeyer almost 15 years after a flood wiped out the entire town. This time around, residents are watching with calm satisfaction from a 400-foot perch on the bluffs where the town was relocated. 'This flooding brings back a lot of memories for those of us who lived through it,' said Eleanora Anderson, 86, a school cook whose home was destroyed in the 1993 flood. 'I'm sure glad I don't have to worry now that we're high enough here on the. Kids are all right- June 11, 2008 So which is a bigger catastrophe-Playdough stomped into a new carpet or a Snickers bar around a toddler with a peanut allergy If you have to think twice about that one, the University of Illinois Extension's ... |