Villa Ridge NewsLocal news for Villa Ridge, MO continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Candidate profiles: Franklin County assessor- July 23, 2008 Candidates include Dan Harashe, from left, and Jim Warnebold. Tuesday, July 22, 2008 4:06 PM CDT Six candidates - three Republicans and three Democrats - are on the ballot in the Aug. Marthasville Business Gets Title of 'World's Greatest!'- July 20, 2008 People in the diesel industry know the name FASS - fuel-air separation system. More specifically, they know what it does for their cars, trucks, trailers, tractors, boats . Howard Arthur Becker- July 19, 2008 Howard Arthur Becker, 78, Union, passed away Friday, July 4, 2008. Mr. Becker was born Sept. 'Like Nothing Else I've Ever Done'- July 18, 2008 Washington native Matt Coulter likes to start his days early. As a U.S. naval aviator training to fly F-18s in Lemoore, Calif., he gets his next-day assignments only the evening before. |