The Candidate NewsNews on The Candidate continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Screen on the Green: Free movies on the Mall- July 10, 2008 Having a good time at the movies is often expensive these days. But finally there are movies that you can go to for free. Stanley Tretick Archive Online- July 10, 2008 During the Kennedy White House years, Tretick was given special access to the family, and he shot some of his most enduring images. Famed Photojournalist Stanley Tretick's Iconic Photographs Go Online- July 8, 2008 More than 8,000 images of major American figures -- Presidents, movie stars, athletes, artists -- go online at Stanley Tretick, an award-winning photojournalist, died in 1999, and left ... Wearing a Flag Pin is Now Nixonian- July 4, 2008 Time on the history of the flag pin : It was during the culture wars of the late sixties and early seventies that the flag lapel pin truly took off and became the simultaneously uniting and divisive symbol that ... |