Unforgiven NewsNews on Unforgiven continually updated from thousands of sources around the net.Dirty Harry Libertarianism- June 8, 2008 The Guardian has a fun interviewprofile of Clint Eastwood , in which Bronco Billy snarls at Spike Lee , gleefully defends Dirty Harry , and says the following about his ever-confounding politics : In 2005, he ...http://www.topix.net/movies/unforgiven/2008/06/dirty-harry-libertarianism?fromrss=1 Gene Hackman coming to Books & Co.- June 6, 2008 Academy Award-winning actor Gene Hackman will visit Books & Co. at the Greene on June 23.http://www.topix.net/movies/unforgiven/2008/06/gene-hackman-coming-to-books-co?fromrss=1 Dirty Harry comes clean- June 6, 2008 Clint Eastwood talks to Jeff Dawson about race, euthanasia, politicians, capital punishment - and how he really feels about the 'fascist' role that made him famous Friday June 6, 2008 The Guardian 'A guy like ...http://www.topix.net/movies/unforgiven/2008/06/dirty-harry-comes-clean?fromrss=1 Watch This: 'Man of the West'- June 1, 2008 Anthony Mann's "Man of the West" is the obvious antecedent for Clint Eastwood's "Unforgiven." In both films, a man who used to kill people for a living finds that after being unwillingly lured back into his old ...http://www.topix.net/movies/unforgiven/2008/06/watch-this-man-of-the-west?fromrss=1 |