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Feed items 11 - 20 of 21 for April 2005

11th Hour Ministries - Graphics Enhanced Articles

11th Hour was founded for the purpose of discussing the end times, which we believe are at hand. The Church is in apostasy, serving the prophetic Babylon, and conforming to the image of the world. Join us in the discussion concerning these matters, engage us, search the scriptures yourself... find the truth! These Articles include Graphics images to enhance reading, for folks with faster connections.

The Reconvened Sanhedrin - A Major Miracle! - April 23, 2005

I often wondered how Revelation 1:7 Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindred of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen. could take place, when the Sanhedrin, who manipulated the Romans to kill Jesus Christ, have not been in existence since 70AD. Somewhere in my heart I think I knew this day would come, and I rejoice to see it! Think of it! How much justice and perfection is in the reconvening of the Sanhedrin...

Ominous Times! - America and Israel - April 23, 2005

Lately I have heard a lot of Christians talking about how important it is that we (America) continue to back and support Israel. This last surge of concern seems to have been sparked by President Bush insisting Israel return to the peace process and be willing to trade land for peace. There are of course groups in America and Israel that oppose this. Undoubtedly they were afraid that if Sharon was unwilling to go down that road he would lose our support. They are convinced we would then lose...

The Mark Of The Beast - The Signs Of The Times. - April 23, 2005

The Mark of The Beast has long been a mystery and a source of concern to Christians. It has been a mystery in that the Bible does not come right out and tell us what form the mark will take. It, like the rest of the prophesies in Revelation have been veiled. As we have pointed out on this website, some of these prophesies have begun to reveal them selves. This can only mean we are approaching the end. What I hope to do here is shed some light on the question I have heard asked, and I have...

Guilt Money, Or Gratuity - The 911 Settlements - April 16, 2005

Why in the world, would a government that does not even take responsibility when its agents accidentally enter the wrong house and kill innocent people, a country in which even local Police can not be held responsible for accidental deaths caused by officers in the line of duty, a government that can not even forgive the $1200.00 tax bill of a person who has suffered a life threatening medical situation, and will collect on that bill from the person after they return to work even as much as 10..

Warfare Theology And The Coming 4th Reich! - April 16, 2005

Comparing America to the 3rd Reich seems to be becoming a pastime in America today. Why is that What is it about America's New World Order, and its War on Terror, that reminds us of Germany in the 1930s George W. Bush, with support from the religious right, and the Christian coalition, are waging a war. How did all this begin What is the fuel for this new surge of military might Where did this new "Warfare Theology" come from It seems that in our world, those who steal, presume, extort,...

Patriotism In Light Of The Scriptures - April 16, 2005

In America today, one wears his flag pin on his lapel with great pride. God and country: the flag and the cross almost seem synonymous. In an era where there is international turmoil and the country is under attack, it would seem unpatriotic and even unchristian not to rally behind your country. We are taught to back our leaders and support our troops as if they are one in the same. Anyone even caught questioning the decisions of our current leadership is looked upon with a certain contempt, as.

JUST LAY IT DOWN CHRISTIAN!! - The Love Of This World - April 16, 2005

For the past few months, I have been silently observing, and listening to the voices of the Christian Church. I have listened to the popular radio stations on which programs such as Focus on the Family, In Touch, Insight For Living, etc are hosted. I if even for a moment, just wanted to take a step back and make sure that the things we have been writing on this site are a clear view of what Christianity in America is and has become. I think for a moment in time, I just didn't want to believe.

The Plot Thickens - The Appointment of John Negroponte as DNI - April 16, 2005

Well, well, well, If it isn't my favorite jar head himself... John Negroponte! Take a good long look at this man brothers and sisters, because this is the man, yes JUST the man to execute the loss of freedoms you hear everyone talking about that loom large ahead in the Patriot Act. Yes indeed. This is a man who can really sink his teeth into something like the Patriot act. Its not even ironic that the picture above is so dark. You are looking at what is probably the darkest man in the...

Self Induced Blindness - The Veiled Christian - April 16, 2005

I use to think that there must have been some pretty blind and faithless people back in Jesus time. How could they not see what was going on around them How could they not see the prophecy unfolding right in front of their eyes Its almost as if they didnt want to know the truth, even though it was staring them right in the face. How could these people be so ignorant as to miss the fact that the Messiah, the Son of God, was in their midst How could they miss all the signs, all the hints,...

The Project For A New American Century - April 16, 2005

Right From The Horse's Mouth! In recent months we have engaged in many conversations with Christians and non Christians alike, on matters concerning the American Government, and its activities in the world today. On a universal level, those of the faith AND those who do not share our faith agree on one thing, and that is that none of what we have been saying here at 11th Hour for the last 14 months is actual fact, and that it is all "OUR opinion and OUR misinterpretation of George W's...
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