Vallonia NewsLocal news for Vallonia, IN continually updated from thousands of sources on the web.Round Barn Ride has lower numbers- July 25, 2008 The Brownstown Exchange Club's annual Round Barn Bicycle Ride was well received by those who participated but had lower numbers than in the past. Man hurt while working on truck- July 23, 2008 An employee of a Cortland agribusiness was hospitalized in Indianapolis after he was injured in an incident Tuesday afternoon. Locals wind up on Today Show- July 19, 2008 Provided photo GETTING a few seconds of air time on NBC's Today Show earlier this month, five area women were at the live broadcast to see Rascal Flatts perform. 4-H'ers turn in projects :- July 17, 2008 Evan Merida may have looked out of place surrounded by girls wearing pretty patterned dresses and outfits. Learn how you can keep bees- July 8, 2008 You can learn about bees and beekeeping at 6:30 p.m. Monday at the Seymour Library when Heather Hill explains how she and her beekeeper husband, Paul, take care of their bees and make honey near Vallonia. Purple boxes tracking ash borer :- July 4, 2008 Those purple, triangular boxes hanging in trees across Jackson County and elsewhere are part of an effort to learn how widely emerald ash borers are spreading their wings. |