About Abuse / Incest SupportAbuse / Incest SupportAnother missed opportunity- September 16, 2006 I have been fairly critical of the quality of leadership coming from Duke University these days. To the occasional observer, their energy seems to be focused on silencing critics...http://incestabuse.about.com/b/2006/09/16/another-missed-opportunity.htm Yet another reason to work against domestic violence- September 15, 2006 While bullying is an important topic, I had always considered it only loosely related to this website. A recent study suggests otherwise, giving information that seems very similar to...http://incestabuse.about.com/b/2006/09/15/yet-another-reason-to-work-against-domestic-viol... Not much salvation for the Blue Devils- September 12, 2006 In a previous article about the sexual assault charges against some members of Duke Univerity's Lacrosse team, I quoted Dr. Houston Baker, a member of the Duke faculty who was...http://incestabuse.about.com/b/2006/09/12/not-much-salvation-for-the-blue-devils.htm Build your courage to get what you need- September 9, 2006 Many people need a restraining order, but just can't quite get around to visiting a Domestic Violence Prevention agency to get one. It's usually a problem of fear, or...http://incestabuse.about.com/b/2006/09/09/build-your-courage-to-get-what-you-need.htm There is no explanation -- but there are useful suggestions.- September 7, 2006 Survivors of incest or similar sexual abuse grapple with many tough questions. One of the most common questions deals with the motivation of their molester, and is simply,...http://incestabuse.about.com/b/2006/09/07/there-is-no-explanation-but-there-are-useful-sug... Life Lessons- September 5, 2006 Browse through this collection of articles that help you deal with everything from dealing with guilt and body image to learning how to emotionally detach from abusive or toxic relatives....http://incestabuse.about.com/b/2006/09/05/life-lessons.htm Ohio needs a lot of answers!- September 1, 2006 As details of the Ohio child abuse case come out, we are once again faced with a System that failed. Clearly, there is at least one weak link in...http://incestabuse.about.com/b/2006/09/01/ohio-needs-a-lot-of-answers.htm |