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Feed items 1 - 10 of 15 for November 2005


Progressive Politics, Indian Issues, and Autism Advocacy

Valuing Pain and Suffering - November 11, 2005

Santorum Exposed, by way of Atrios, reminds us that Rick Santorum is a hypocrite with regard to statutory limits on pain and suffering awards in personal injury actions. They link to this ABC News piece: In recent years many...

On this date... - November 11, 2005

Three years back, a small, insignificant event took place in the blogosphere. The first post on Wampum....

Walking on Armistice Day - November 11, 2005

It took 18 days to collapse (and invert) the Iraq Army defensive perimeter, from the initial movement order to the final investment of central Baghdad. One plan, which I will characterize as "Stay the Course", broadly retains US forces as...

Fill in the Blank - November 10, 2005

Some years ago, among certain people, it was considered witty to remark that a conservative was a liberal who had been mugged. Google returns 138,000 hits for conservative + liberal + mugged. Lets turn the adage around and ask a...

Women are not a "special interest group" - November 10, 2005

As Duncan pointed out late last night (pointing to this TPMCafe post), Corzine won in New Jersey because he actually approached women as key voters, not as a special interest group. In particular, he framed his economic policies in terms...

Today's Cartoon - November 9, 2005

Today's Cartoon is from Mike Lester of the Rome (Ga.) News Tribune....

Ten minutes until the polls close in Maine... - November 9, 2005

We (well, I, as Eric is on a plane to Pittsburgh at the moment) sit here (in North Carolina) waiting for the polls to close on Election Day in our home state of Maine (yes, we voted absentee.) While there...

The Meaning of Pervasive - November 9, 2005

Autism is a pervasive disorder. The National Institute of Mental Health writes: Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), also known as Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDDs), cause severe and pervasive impairment in thinking, feeling, language, and the ability to relate to others. At...

Assigning Blame - November 8, 2005

It is now clear that the administration drove us to war in Iraq based on a group of false claims. That was a huge mistake. We have paid for that mistake with thousand lives, more than ten thousand injuries, and...

55-385 - November 8, 2005

La loi n 55-385 du 3 janvier 1955 modifie par la loi n 551080 du 7 aot 1955 et l'ordonnance n 80-372 du 15 avril 1960 was put into effect yesterday evening. For those to young to recall, this is...
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- November (15 items)
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