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Feed items 11 - 15 of 15 for November 2005


Progressive Politics, Indian Issues, and Autism Advocacy

Meme Bruxelles Brussel ... auch in Berlin und Bremen - November 7, 2005

I lived for most of three years in the Commune of Ixelles Elsene. At least one Sunday a month I'd go to Gare Central Centraalstation and catch a train one stop south to Gare du Midi Zuidstation,...

1 408 vhicules, 395 personnes interpelles et 36 policiers blesss - November 6, 2005

This shows the conflict in its social dimension. The cits (aka "HLM", trans. "the projects") are largely abandoned by the French state, anonymous and experienced as "other", not as French neighborhoods, and the CRSGMpolice, also anonymous and experienced as "other",...

Round the Blog-o-Hexagon - November 6, 2005

Riots in France by Adrien Wing, November 3, in Thoughtful and under two pages. The problem with France by Steve Gilliard, November 6th, in, both a piece from the Euro version of Boonews and some background pieces (and...

"Ces individus semblent chercher le contact avec la police et nous agressent, la diffrence des autres soires" - November 6, 2005

That's the word early this evening from Toulouse where a group of 30+ civilians and an undisclosed number of police were engaged in an exchange of gas grenades and diverse projectiles. For the first time the police are being engaged...

Riverbend post - November 6, 2005

Mandatory reading. I learned something from it. Click on her book's gif on the right sidebar....
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