Tim O'Reilly, O'Reilly NetworkTim O'Reilly's O'Reilly Network Items: Weblogs, Articles, Hacks and BooksWhy Arrington is Wrong about Yahoo!-Google Deal- June 14, 2008 I was inspired by Fred Wilson's excellent piece on the subject to add my own two cents to Mike Arrington's rant about how Yahoo!'s deal with Google is bad for the industry. I wrote the following in Arrington's comment stream, and will reproduce it here: Let me weigh in as well on why I don't think Google's dominance in search...http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/oreilly/radar/atom/~3/311897222/why-arrington-is-wrong-abou... The Kindle: "Looks Like a Million to Me"- June 10, 2008 Evan Schnittman of Oxford University Press has a fascinating blog post Looks Like a Million To Me: How I Realized that Amazon&8217;s Kindle and Sony&8217;s E-Reader Were Exceeding Sales Estimates, which calculates the combined number of Sony Reader and Kindle units out there to be a million by the end of 2008: Amazon and Sony both use the 6-inch electrophoretic...http://radar.oreilly.com/archives/2008/06/the-kindle-looks-like-a-millio.html The Kindle: "Looks Like a Million to Me"- June 9, 2008 Evan Schnittman of Oxford University Press has a fascinating blog post Looks Like a Million To Me: How I Realized that Amazon&8217;s Kindle and Sony&8217;s E-Reader Were Exceeding Sales Estimates, which calculates the combined number of Sony Reader and Kindle units out there to be a million by the end of 2008: Amazon and Sony both use the 6-inch electrophoretic...http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/oreilly/radar/atom/~3/308091904/the-kindle-looks-like-a-mil... America's Capacity for Change- June 9, 2008 Peggy Noonan wrote a lovely few paragraphs celebrating America, in the middle of an otherwise somewhat nasty editorial about Hillary Clinton. A friend sent, by instant message, the AP flash that ran at 16:56 ET on 06-03-2008. There it was suddenly on my screen: " WASHINGTON (AP)&8212;Obama clinches Democratic nomination, making him first black candidate to lead his party." A...http://radar.oreilly.com/archives/2008/06/americas-capability-for-change.html America's Capacity for Change- June 9, 2008 Peggy Noonan wrote a lovely few paragraphs celebrating America, in the middle of an otherwise somewhat nasty editorial about Hillary Clinton. A friend sent, by instant message, the AP flash that ran at 16:56 ET on 06-03-2008. There it was suddenly on my screen: " WASHINGTON (AP)&8212;Obama clinches Democratic nomination, making him first black candidate to lead his party." A...http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/oreilly/radar/atom/~3/307651043/americas-capability-for-cha... WordSpy as Collective Intelligence- June 7, 2008 I've long been a fan of WordSpy, Paul McFedries' site that features definitions and first use of new words and phrases. It's a great trendspotting tool. The words we use give surprising insight into popular consciousness. Many of them, like junk sleep, silent disco, free-range kid, or Blackberry prayer illustrate new social trends, while others like phantom load or quake...http://radar.oreilly.com/archives/2008/06/wordspy-as-collective-intellig.html WordSpy as Collective Intelligence- June 7, 2008 I've long been a fan of WordSpy, Paul McFedries' site that features definitions and first use of new words and phrases. It's a great trendspotting tool. The words we use give surprising insight into popular consciousness. Many of them, like junk sleep, silent disco, free-range kid, or Blackberry prayer illustrate new social trends, while others like phantom load or quake...http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/oreilly/radar/atom/~3/306844609/wordspy-as-collective-intel... Ubicomp and Web 2.0: Connecting the Dots- June 7, 2008 I've been saying for some time that the next stage of Web 2.0 is the application of collective intelligence techniques to sensor data, not just to data input directly by humans. Two stories this weekend illustrate this point nicely. The New York Times published a story on Saturday entitled Billboards that Look Back, about a new generation of electronic...http://radar.oreilly.com/archives/2008/06/ubicomp-and-web-20-connecting.html Unexpected Pleasures in GatesBallmer interview at D Conference- June 7, 2008 In the joint interview with Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer at D last week, I loved some of the stories about the early Microsoft, especially Ballmer talking about how Gates wouldn't let him hire anyone unless he could prove that they would pay for themselves. Gates was incredibly conservative, and always wanted to have enough cash on hand to...http://radar.oreilly.com/archives/2008/06/favorite-moments-in-gates-ballmer-at-d.html Unexpected Pleasures in GatesBallmer interview at D Conference- June 6, 2008 In the joint interview with Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer at D last week, I loved some of the stories about the early Microsoft, especially Ballmer talking about how Gates wouldn't let him hire anyone unless he could prove that they would pay for themselves. Gates was incredibly conservative, and always wanted to have enough cash on hand to...http://feeds.feedburner.com/~r/oreilly/radar/atom/~3/306184615/favorite-moments-in-gates-b... |