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Student Loan Articles

Free student loan articles covering a wide array of financial aid related topics

PLUS Loans through NextStudent Help Parents Pay for College - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Some parents think they need to dip into their savings to help pay college costs for their children. After years of putting away hard-earned funds into a savings plan that should be geared toward emergencies and the future, parents should think twice. NextStudent, the Phoenix-based premier education funding company, offers PLUS Loans Parent Loans for Undergraduate Students, a smart alternative for parents.

NextStudent Enters Securitization Market For First Time - (Found June 24, 2008 )

NextStudent Inc., through its affiliate companies, last week completed its first securitization of student loans when the NextStudent Master Trust I issued $571 million in Auction Rate Student Loan-Backed Notes in a nonregistered private offering

Durbin, Miller Introduce Bill to Cut Student Loan Interest Rates - (Found June 24, 2008 )

In an effort to cut the interest rates in half on student loans before they increase on July 1 and to provide better access to college, Sen. Richard J. Durbin, D-IL, who also serves as assistant senate Democratic leader, in conjunction with Rep. George Miller, D-CA, senior Democrat on the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, introduced April 13 the Reverse the Raid on Student Aid Act of 2006, or H.R. 5150. Interest rates would be cut for student borrowers and parent borrowers alike.

Single Lender Rule in Hands of the Senate; Students Urged to Speak Out - (Found June 24, 2008 )

The U.S. House of Representatives on March 30 voted to extend for six years the Higher Education Act of 1965. The bill called the College Access and Opportunity Act, or H.R. 609, includes a student loan provision that would repeal the single holder rule. Other items include the reauthorization of financial aid through 2012, student loan forgiveness provided for service in areas of national need, and a requirement for lenders that consolidate to provide more information to borrowers.

Nextstudent Flies Extra Mile To Ensure Reconsolidation Applications Arrive On Time At Department Of Education - (Found June 24, 2008 )

This is the last chance for borrowers to reconsolidate their student loans and receive benefits and incentives before the Department of Education ceases to accept applications, as reconsolidation no longer will be available after March 31.

NextStudent offers students last chance to reconsolidate and save thousands - (Found June 24, 2008 )

PHOENIX March 28, 2006 NextStudent,, one of the nations premier education funding companies offering both consolidation and reconsolidation programs, offers students their last chance to reconsolidate student loans. There only are two days left to reconsolidate, as the option no longer will be available anywhere after March 31. Borrowers now must take advantage to reduce their monthly payments and save thousands before reconsolidation is a thing of the past.

Reconsolidating is a Legitimate Way to Help Students Save Thousands - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Student loan reconsolidation is a prime example of how graduates can ease their financial burden after college. Many college graduates and even students still attending college take advantage of student loan consolidation, which bundles together all of a students loans into one easy payment at one set interest rate. With reconsolidation students can receive additional financial and program benefits.

First Lawsuit Filed to Challenge Deficit Reduction Act - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Students and concerned citizens may see some recourse after the upset of the passage of the Deficit Reduction Act, S. 1932, that was approved narrowly Dec. 21 by the Senate and then signed into law Feb. 8 by President Bush.

Student Loan Consolidation to be Affected by Recent Laws - (Found June 24, 2008 )

The passing of the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 in February brought with it major cuts to the federal student loan program. Along with cuts to other federal programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and food stamps, the student loan program was hit hardest, with a whopping $12 million in cuts.

William D. Ford Student Loan Consolidation - (Found June 24, 2008 )

Looking for a way to pay your way through college The William D. Ford Student Loan is the newest federal financial aid program that was established for college students in 1994. While older student loans for college forced students to apply for loans through private banks, these days students are able to receive direct loans through the U.S. Department of Education, because of the William D. Ford Student Loan Program. These loans are applied for through the FAFSA (Federal Application For...
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