vbAccelerator New and Updated PublicationsThe latest articles and updates published at vbAccelerator.comNew: CodeSense- April 22, 2003 CodeSense is an updated version of the excellent free CodeMax code editor control which supports Intellisense (auto-suggestion, auto-completion and popup tooltip help). Great stuff if you're trying to build a code editor.http://vbaccelerator.com/home/Resources/Links/VB/Advanced/CodeSense/article.asp New: VB Smart- April 22, 2003 This site no longer appears to be updated but does provide a couple of nice samples; one for XP style menus and another for XP style button rendering. The associated descriptions are well written too.http://vbaccelerator.com/home/Resources/Links/VB/Advanced/VBSmart/article.asp New: DicomWorks- April 22, 2003 DicomWorks is a DICOM viewer and converter dedicated to radiologists or other people working with DICON files. It includes a smart view with 4 panel display, annotations, arrows, multimodality and export capability to many different formats including movies and lossless compressed images.http://vbaccelerator.com/home/The_Site/vbAccelerator_Users/DICOMWorks/article.asp New: VBXML XSL Tester- April 22, 2003 XSLTester is a free source testing tool for development and debugging of XSL Transforms. You can load and edit XML and XSLT files, transform in place and view the result in multiple formats.http://vbaccelerator.com/home/The_Site/vbAccelerator_Users/TopXML/article.asp New: Inno Setup- April 22, 2003 Jordan Russell's well-regarded scriptable installer is an excellent tool, and is also provided effectively free (a small donation is requested if you find it useful). Recent users include Microsoft!http://vbaccelerator.com/home/Resources/Links/Other/Inno_Setup/article.asp New: FeedReader- April 22, 2003 A simple and easy to use RSS-news feed aggregation tool which you can install onto your desktop and leave it to notify you of site updates. Its also distributed open-source (still a little work to do on the Office XP style toolbars when I downloaded it though :).http://vbaccelerator.com/home/Resources/Links/Other/FeedReader/article.asp New: MSDN Magazine: Building a Desktop News Aggregator- April 22, 2003 Provides the source code for a C application, RSS Bandit (bandit), which retrieves and displays news feeds using the RSS and OPML syndication formats. Reading to the end of the article its clear the author still intends to do quite a bit of work on it, but its a nice application which makes good use of the .NET Framework XML features.http://vbaccelerator.com/home/Resources/Links/IBrowse/MSDN_Magazine_-_Building_a_Desktop_N... New: The Code Project- April 22, 2003 An excellent site and community with both edited and unedited contributions. The edited contributions are what makes the site best and keep the quality high. This is what vbAccelerator would like to be more like if it ever grows up one day :)http://vbaccelerator.com/home/Resources/Links/NET/Code_Project/article.asp New: Convert C To VB.NET- April 22, 2003 An interesting attempt to provide a tool that really should be part of the .NET Framework. (Ideally, the framework should include concrete implementations of CodeParser for most languages. That would allow you to build a CodeDOM and then use the existing CodeDOM technology to spit out the code again in any other language. However, that's not possible yet, possibly because of the limitations in the CodeDOM model). This tool doesn't cover everything, and can get into difficulties with some.http://vbaccelerator.com/home/Resources/Links/NET/CSharpToVB/article.asp New: ThemeXP- April 22, 2003 Provides information on how to build your own XP Visual Style and lots of download of user-posted XP Visual Styles too. Fun! The graphics in the posted Visual Styles should come in handy for skinning purposes as well.http://vbaccelerator.com/home/Resources/Links/Other/Theme_XP/article.asp |