vbAccelerator New and Updated PublicationsThe latest articles and updates published at vbAccelerator.com: free source code and controls for VB, C# and VB.NET.New: CD Ripping in VB Part 1- June 11, 2004 This sample looks at ripping CDs from VB using the CD ripping library provided with CDEx. In addition to providing a VB compatible wrapper around the CD ripping functions, it provides a buffered WAV file writer which can be reused for other applications such as audio recorders and processors.http://vbaccelerator.com/home/VB/Code/vbMedia/Audio/CD_Ripping_1/article.asp New: CD Ripping in VB Part 2- June 11, 2004 This sample provides a more sophisticated CD Ripper which is capable of writing MP3 files by adding the following: A plugin-based architecture for writing audio files.Implementing a WAV to MP3 encoder. The audio plugins can be re-used wherever you want to be able to create audio files.http://vbaccelerator.com/home/VB/Code/vbMedia/Audio/CD_Ripping_2/article.asp New: vbAccelerator Ltd- June 10, 2004 vbAccelerator Ltd is a small London based software consultancy. As well as this website (and despite our name!) vbAccelerator also provides software design and development services for J2EE, .NET, VB and XML projects.http://vbaccelerator.com/home/The_Site/About_the_Site/vbAccelerator_Ltd/article.asp New: VB IMAPI (CD Burning) Interfaces (IVBIMAPI.tlb)- June 10, 2004 This type library provides access to the various objects exposed in the Windows Image Mastering API (IMAPI). This API allows you to burn audio and data CD-R and CD-RW discs. Note that this API is only available on Windows XP and above.http://vbaccelerator.com/home/VB/Type_Libraries/IMAPI_(CD_Burning)/article.asp New: RDF Support at vbAccelerator.com- June 9, 2004 vbAccelerator pages now include support for RDF tags which describe meta-data and licensing conditions for the articles and code. This article describes the RDF tagging that's provided and some details of the implementation.http://vbaccelerator.com/home/The_Site/About_the_Site/RDF_Metadata/article.asp New: Contributors- June 9, 2004 The software available on this site includes voluntary contributions made by many individuals. This article lists the main contributors and thanks them for their support.http://vbaccelerator.com/home/The_Site/About_the_Site/Contributors/article.asp Updated: Using the Site- June 9, 2004 Welcome to the vbAccelerator site. Here you can learn about the site's features, navigating the array of content and find out how the site was put together.http://vbaccelerator.com/home/The_Site/About_the_Site/Using_the_Site/article.asp New: Preventing Logoff or Shutdown- June 2, 2004 Sometimes if an application is performing a long operation you do not want the user to log-off or shutdown the system until it is complete. An example is when burning a CD, as the CD burn will be terminated and the disc potentially ruined. This sample demonstrates how to respond to the WM_QUERYENDSESSION message to prevent this from occurring.http://vbaccelerator.com/home/VB/Tips/Preventing_Logoff_or_Shutdown/article.asp New: Mapping NT Device Names to Drive Letters and vice-versa- June 2, 2004 This tip demonstrates how you convert between MS-DOS style drive letters and NT-style device names. This can be useful if you're working with an API that exposes an NT device name, such as IMAPI for CD Burning.http://vbaccelerator.com/home/VB/Tips/Mapping_NT_Device_Names/article.asp New: StealthBot- June 1, 2004 StealthBot is an application that, erm, does something or other related to games. (I have to apologise for being such a lamer, but not having played that many games for the last few years I couldn't actually figure out what this is for...) In any case, it works with Starcraft, Warcraft III and Diablo II and uses a vbAccelerator TreeView control to get the much-needed black background and colours.http://vbaccelerator.com/home/The_Site/vbAccelerator_Users/StealthBot/article.asp |